Monday, March 10, 2025

LOOKING BACK: ‘TV Therapy’ for classic television stars

Dawn Wells, as a patient, and Terry Ray, as the therapist, in Ray’s TV Therapy series - provided by Terry Ray.

By Nick Thomas

Terry Ray, as the therapist, with Tabatha – Erin Murphy from Bewitched. Provided by Terry Ray.

Back in 2019, actor/writer/producer Terry Ray convinced Erin Murphy – best known for playing baby Tabitha in “Bewitched” – to reprise her role in a short five-minute web skit in which her now-adult character seeks out a therapist (played by Ray) to deal with childhood issues lingering from growing up as the daughter of Darrin and Samantha Stephens. It was the beginning of a web series called “TV Therapy” that has delighted fans of classic television.
“One day my dad came into the room and he was a completely different person,” proclaims Tabitha to Dr. Stephen Nielson, Ray’s therapist character in the series. Fans of “Bewitched” will immediately understand the humorous implication.
Ray followed up with another fun therapy session featuring Dawn Wells as Mary Ann of “Gilligan’s Island” fame discussing her issues resulting from the harrowing years stranded on a desert island. The series is available on Ray’s YouTube channel.
“Don’t ever take a vacation in Hawaii and if you do, don’t take the harbor cruise,” advises Mary Ann from the therapist’s couch.
“We shot the ones with Erin and Dawn in the home of Billy Clift, the director, pre-COVID,” explained Ray from his home in Palm Springs. “Then COVID hit, but they were so much fun I wanted to do more and realized I could via Zoom.”
He followed up in 2020 with episodes featuring Butch Patrick (Eddie from “The Munsters”), Kathy Garver (Cissy from “Family Affair”), and others.
“I’m a classic TV fan and came up with the therapy sessions as a fun way to explore the characters today,” said Ray who wrote all the scripts. “I had no budget and don’t make any money from the series – everyone volunteered their time because we knew how much the fans would enjoy it.”
Ray was devastated when he learned of Dawn Well’s death from COVID in late December last year. The two became friends after he wrote and appeared in the short 2015 film with Wells, “She’s Still on That Freakin’ Island,” in which Ray’s character is washed ashore to find Mary Ann still a castaway.
“With the stress of COVID I, like so many, found comfort tuning in to classic television – the shows that made us feel happy and safe in our youth and still do,” said Ray. “On a sad note, ‘TV Therapy’ was one of the very last performances of the wonderful Dawn Wells before we lost her to COVID. Dawn really embraced the role of Mary Ann and helped keep the show alive for fans for 50 years.”
Ray plans to keep classic TV show memories alive for fans, too, by continuing his “TV Therapy” series in 2021 (see
“I’ve got new shows planned and written, and hope to keep it going for several more seasons.”
Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, Ala., and has written features, columns, and interviews for over 850 newspapers and magazines. See

April Foolin’: Debunking five common health myths

Shot of a woman drinking a glass of water at home

April Fools’ Day brings its share of gags, but some health hoaxes best us year-round.
In honor of a day filled with practical jokes, scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation are taking the air out of five myths as common as the Whoopee Cushion.
1. We should be taking 10,000 steps a day
In 1956, a Japanese company launched a pedometer with a name that translates to “10,000 step meter.” A half-century later, the figure remains ingrained.
“Walking is wonderful for your health, but there’s nothing magic about 10,000 steps,” said OMRF President Stephen Prescott, M.D. Indeed, a 2019 study found that in older women, an increase from 2,700 to 4,500 steps a day correlated with a significantly reduced rate of premature death.
“The important lesson is that taking more steps is always better than fewer,” said Prescott.
2. Being in the cold can give you a cold
For those whose parents insisted they bundle up or else get sick, OMRF immunologist Eliza Chakravarty, M.D., has news. “You will not catch a cold simply from being underdressed for chilly weather,” she said. “You have to be exposed to a virus.”
Although cold and flu cases peak in prevalence during the winter months, you’re more likely to get sick indoors, where germs can easily pass from person to person.
3. Drink eight glasses of water a day
More than 75 years ago, the Food and Nutrition Board recommended people should shoot for consuming 2.5 liters, or about 85 oz., of water per day. But that blanket recommendation ignored one central piece of common sense: Different-sized people have different hydration needs.
Plus, said Prescott, “A lot of the water our bodies need is in vegetables, fruit, coffee and everything else we eat and drink.” He recommends using common sense and letting thirst be your guide. “Your body will tell you when it needs water.”
4. Hold the eggs
The idea that eggs and other high-cholesterol foods are dangerous is a long-held belief. But, said Prescott, “Unless you’re in the small group of people who are very sensitive to dietary cholesterol, there’s no evidence that eating high-cholesterol foods increases a person’s risk of heart disease.”
When it comes to controlling your blood cholesterol levels, it’s saturated fats that need to be kept in check. “A diet high in red meat, butter and cheeses is much more concerning than one that includes an egg a day,” said Prescott.
5. We only use 10% of our brains
The myth that we use just a tenth of our brains has roots as old as Oklahoma’s statehood. In the more than one hundred years since, neuroscience has undergone dramatic advances.
“We know from brain imaging that no area of the brain is unused,” said Prescott. “And logically, brain injuries tell us that damage to any part of the brain can have long-lasting and devastating results.”
The falsehood is thought to have roots in encouraging people to dig into their own potential for self-improvement. The idea isn’t without merit, said Prescott. “Staying mentally engaged as you age is critical. But there are no untapped brain cells to call on to do it.”

U.S. News & World Report Ranks OU College of Medicine One of Nation’s Best in Several Areas


The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine has been named one of the best medical colleges in the nation in several categories, according to the U.S. News & World Report 2022 Best Graduate Schools rankings. They include primary care education; most graduates practicing in primary care fields; most graduates practicing in rural areas; and most graduates practicing in health professional shortage areas.
The OU College of Medicine is the largest college within the OU Health Sciences Center and is at the center of OU Health, the state’s comprehensive academic health system. The rankings, released March 30, cite the OU College of Medicine as 51st in the nation for excellence in primary care education, which includes the medical specialties of family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics. The college ranks 60th in the nation for the number of graduates practicing in primary care fields; 44th in the nation for graduates practicing in rural areas; and 44th in the nation for graduates practicing in health professional shortage areas. In addition, the college ranks 74th for its research activity.
The rankings encompass 191 accredited allopathic and osteopathic medical schools in the United States, which grant M.D. and D.O. degrees, respectively.
The OU College of Medicine’s rankings underscore its commitment to training the next generation of physicians who will care for patients across the spectrum of life, focusing both on the prevention and treatment of disease, as well as leveraging research to continually improve the standard of care, said John Zubialde, M.D., Executive Dean of the OU College of Medicine.
“We are excited about the U.S. News & World Report rankings because they reflect the hard work of our faculty and staff in educating the physicians of tomorrow,” Zubialde said. “Our ranking in primary care is particularly significant given the breadth of our college departments, which range from primary care to specialty care. Whereas many other medical schools have a singular focus on primary care, our primary care disciplines excel alongside our specialty programs because of the high caliber of our physicians and staff. Each day they are committed to training Oklahoma’s healthcare workforce.”
The OU College of Medicine trains the majority of physicians in Oklahoma, including the most primary care physicians. Many choose to practice medicine in rural and medically underserved areas of the state, where access to services is critical for improving health. The college is also committed to diversity among its students and future physicians – through the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement, students from underrepresented populations across Oklahoma are mentored as they prepare to apply to medical school. Many of those students will choose a career in primary care and will return to their communities to practice medicine.
The college’s ranking in research activity reflects the faculty’s ability to earn federal research grants. Faculty members across the college’s 21 academic departments regularly earn grants from the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Health Services & Resources Administration, the U.S. Department of Defense, and others. In recent years, the college’s major federal grants include $11 million to create the Oklahoma Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunity, a hub for research into many types of infections and the immune system response, as well as $38 million for suicide prevention research.
“Along with education and patient care, research is a primary mission of the OU College of Medicine,” Zubialde said. “Our faculty members’ success in earning federal grants signifies the value of their research and its potential to improve the practice of medicine. By training in that environment, our students understand that our role is not only to offer high-quality care to our patients, but to define the next standard of care through research discoveries.”
The OU College of Medicine’s main campus is in Oklahoma City at the OU Health Sciences Center, and it has a four-year branch campus in Tulsa, the OU-TU School of Community Medicine. Each year, the college admits approximately 165 students into its four-year program. Since the founding of the OU College of Medicine in 1910, it has awarded the Doctor of Medicine degree to more than 10,000 graduates, many of whom stay on campus for their primary care residency. In addition, the college is the largest educator of physician assistant students in the state, providing approximately 75 new PAs annually.
Students on both campuses train in OU Health outpatient clinics and hospitals and in community settings, where they cultivate the tools to treat patients with a wide range of diseases, from chronic conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes to acute illnesses. Primary care physicians provide much of the healthcare that patients need, and they determine when their patients need to be referred to a specialist.
“For well over a century, OU doctors and health professionals have provided essential care to generations of Oklahomans, fulfilling our university’s core purpose of changing lives,” said OU President Joseph Harroz Jr. “It is incredibly gratifying to see our College of Medicine earn national recognition that reflects our longstanding legacy of training future physicians to advance health with skill, innovation and compassion. As we launch OU Health, this recognition speaks volumes to the future impact we are prepared to have on the health of our state.”
To compile its rankings, the U.S. News & World Report uses several indicators, including an overall quality assessment, students’ grade point average, score on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and college acceptance rates. It also includes a peer assessment score, a residency assessment score, and resources allotted to faculty. The data for the rankings come from statistical surveys of more than 2,012 programs and from reputation surveys sent to more than 20,500 academics and professionals, conducted in fall 2020 and early 2021.

Lessons and Wisdom from Mom and Life

Steve Sibley is a native Oklahoman and Native American. He is also a retired, disabled veteran of both the Air Force and Army, and holds an MBA in Healthcare Administration.

By Steven Sibley, MBA/Healthcare Administration

Nancy Sue Sibley 1935 – 2006, Steven Sibley’s Mother.

Last week I received an envelope from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It was my Medicare Card, over 4 months from August 1st, my 65th birthday. I also discovered that, since my birthday was the 1st day of August, the effective date for my Medicare was the 1st day of July. It was news to me and I’m a Medicare agent! There’s always something new to learn about the insurance business.
It reminded of another envelope I received over 15 years ago. Just months after my 49th birthday in 2005, I received an AARP card. I didn’t know you could join at age 50 and learned something new again. Well, I had to call my mom to tell her. With tongue-in-cheek, I let her know I was about to reach the half-a-century mark. She immediately told me, “Send it back, I am too young to have a child with an AARP card!”
In 2005 mom was an active 70 year old. She had raised 5 children, had 7 grandchildren, lost her husband 20 years earlier and her second son 10 years earlier. She expected to live into her 90’s, just as her own mom did. In fact, she had a long term care (LTC) policy for that reason, but she didn’t have any life insurance. Unfortunately, only 6 months later, in April 2006, my mother passed away.
At the time I was a novice in the financial services industry, but I learned some important lessons from moms death about planning for life’s inevitable events. I learned the importance of having a will and trust. Ironically, 5 months before her death, I convinced her to update her will and do a trust. It really helped with smoothly settling her estate. I also learned about LTC. While it’s important to have, it doesn’t help if you die suddenly and never use it. Today, LTC is expensive with limited options as a standalone policy, but I learned about affordable strategies which combine LTC with life insurance. It pays when you pass and pays if you need LTC before you pass.
Now, years later, my wife and I are partners and brokers in the insurance business. She specializes in Medicare and I specialize in Life insurance, LTC and healthcare planning especially for retirement. I’ve also partnered with a team of advisors at Mass Mutual of Oklahoma. Our clients rely on us for strategies to protect their health, wealth and assets. I’ve learned having a team of advisors is immensely important, have you? You just can’t be an expert on everything, especially in these important areas of your life.
I’ve learned this at an even deeper level. I read a book daily, I believe is filled with the knowledge of the wisest man to ever live. It has 31 chapters, so for every day of the month, there’s a chapter to read. I recently gave a small paperback version of the book to my advisor partner Mike, who told me a story about a wealthy man he had met. He asked the man, “What’s been the secret to your success?” He answered, “I read a chapter from Proverbs every day and have done so my entire adult life”.
There is so much to learn about life from this book. It has changed my life and the lives of others. This is what it says about having advisors: Chapter 15:22, Without consultation and wise advice, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they are established and succeed. Chapter 11:14, Where there is no wise, intelligent guidance, people fall and go off course like a ship without a rudder, but in the abundance of wise and godly counselors there is victory. Chapter 24:6, For by wise guidance you fight life’s battles, and in an abundance of wise counselors there is victory and safety.
If you want this kind of advice concerning protection for your health, wealth and assets for your family, or your parents, please give our team a call: 405-850-1569. See us online at
Ps: Thanks mom, I love you and miss you.



* As of this advisory, there are 437,974 (121 new today) cases of COVID-19 in Oklahoma.
* 334 is today’s 7-day rolling average for the number of new cases reported.
* Today’s Provisional Death Count (CDC/NCHS): 7,846
* Additional hospitalization data can be found in the Hospital Tiers report, published evenings Monday through Friday.
* Register online to receive a notification when you’re eligible to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at, or locate other vaccine opportunities at
* For more information, visit

*The total includes laboratory information provided to OSDH at the time of the report. As a result, counts are subject to change. Total counts may not reflect unique individuals.
***The purpose of publishing aggregated statistical COVID-19 data through the OSDH Dashboard, the Executive Order Report, and the Weekly Epidemiology and Surveillance Report is to support the needs of the general public in receiving important and necessary information regarding the state of the health and safety of the citizens of Oklahoma. These resources may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be used in any way that would determine the identity of any reported cases.
Data Source: Acute Disease Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health. *As of 2021-03-30 at 7:00 a.m.

TRAVEL / ENTERTAINMENT: Discovering Mazatlán , Mexico


Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn

“Travel is the truest form of education,” – Shirley MacLaine
For years I had heard of Mazatlán, Mexico, and yet not knowing much about it, I decided it was time I was educated by traveling and discovering their eateries. (As with all travel these days double check Covid restrictions with hotels and airlines. If things have not opened up yet, this might just go on your bucket list.)
Mazatlán is a West Coast Mexican resort town, which was never planned as a resort town. It has all the qualities needed for such: a developed 13 mile Malecon, or promenade, ( along a picturesque ocean front bay, mid to upscale resorts and many dining opportunities.
My Oasis was the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlán ( an all-inclusive hotel on bustling, Camaron Sabalo avenue, where the traffic competed for audio pleasure in my room with the relaxing swoosh of the surf. I would have changed my room location away from the traffic, but the view of the bay and pools were too outstanding. An all-inclusive hotel option can be your ticket to ease, but sometimes it’s popularity causes delays in seating where no reservations are taken. The popular Bonita hotel chain has a newer property slightly up north on Emerald Bay, which needs exploring.
My stay included an itinerary of many fine eateries in a variety of atmospheres but all with attentive service and with a specialty of Mazatlán fresh sea food.
Costa Marinera Restaurant (, is right around the corner from my stay at the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlán hotel, and has an open air dining option overlooking the bay, with wandering musicians (singer Ernesto Sudea was a favorite) and attentive service. As with many Mazatlán restaurants they offered a variety of breaded shrimp, on a seafood platter of Lobster, Tuna, Octopus, Mahi Mahi and my favorite at all the eateries, fresh Guacamole. I was introduced to Toni Col (emobtell adori) a non-carbonated vanilla coke concoction with a distant taste of Coca Cola.
Mazatlán, I am told, means Land of the Deer. One of the off shore islands is named Deer Island. You can enjoy a slow boat ride around the bay and a stop off at Deer Island, where a casual lunch and open bar, might tempt you away from the banana boat and kayaking activities. With sand between your toes under the shade of a palapa, a cool drink in hand, and views of the Mazatlán hotels across the water, it makes for a relaxing adventure. (
Panama, with several locations, was my favorite of all the dining options. Here I had a comfort breakfast of egg over easy, potato frites, a crisp Belgian waffle topped with fruit and a heavenly syrup, accompanied by iced tea – it was a satisfying wakeup. The pastries in the shop in the front of the modern clean and uncluttered décor of the restaurant were tempting and looked too good to eat. Be sure and ask for the menu in English.
Also relatively close to the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlán hotel is the new La Mazetleca ( seafood restaurant. Weather permitting you can be seated at their sandy outdoor terrace overlooking the crashing surf. With a Mango Margarita, the sun, the breeze, and good company, what more do you need? I enjoyed a salmon with sunset sauce, ~ a refreshing fruity compote. La Mazetleca offers a number of exotic and visually stunning seafood dishes to explore. If outside seating is not an option, the interior has expansive windows toward the surf and video screens for passing the time.
On my departing evening my hosts arranged for a tour of the seaside night life along the coastal road after sunset aboard the signature Pulmonias. Pulmonias are an adoption of a golf cart with open air seating. The story goes that when first introduced this touristy transportation was in competition with local taxis. The taxis warned that you could catch cold or pneumonia riding in this open air motorized cars, thus the nickname Pulmonias. Pulmonias are only used in Mazatlán and have become its trademark image.
The farewell dinner was at the El Presidio, a gourmet restaurant in the Historic District. Here the charming atmosphere of a semi open air interior exposed brick courtyard transformed from reuse of an old house and factory, made for an exotic and memorable evening. In fact the atmosphere out did the gourmet food. The congenital wait staff followed my instructions explicitly and made me the best traditional Martini I had during my stay. It would have been easy to order another Mango Margarita but requesting a well-made simple Martini is a real test for any gourmet restaurant and El Presidio measured up.
My stay was too short, but you may also enjoy the expansive market downtown which has everything from souvenirs, table coverings, religions artifacts, fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood and leather goods among its many stalls.
Traveling is not only educational and of course enjoyable, but with a destination like Mazatlán, you may have discovered your favorite Mexican resort. There are a limited number of nonstop airline flights from a variety of United States gateways. Explore:

Mr. Terry Zinn – Travel Editor
Past President: International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association
3110 N.W. 15 Street – Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Life worth hearing: Ears of Oklahoma can help

Dr. Jeni Merrick-Baker finds fulfillment in helping Oklahomans to hear again at her clinic, Ears of Oklahoma.

Story and photo by James Coburn, Feature Writer

Hearing loss can be so gradual until it becomes a problem with age, said Dr. Jeni Merrick-Baker, a clinical audiologist and owner of Ears of Oklahoma, located in Oklahoma City.
Ears of Oklahoma treats a range of hearing disorders among patients older than 18.
“Everybody typically starts losing their hearing in their 40s, but we don’t notice it at first,” Baker said. “If there ever is a sudden hearing loss and you just wake up one day and the hearing is gone in one ear, then that’s an issue that you have to see an ear specialist or otologist within 24 hours to try to get that hearing back.”
Most of her clients come to Baker for problems such as ringing in their ears, otherwise known as tinnitus. Tinnitus affects about 15-20 percent of people, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is especially common in older adults.
“It’s more and more common every day,” Baker said. “We’re just seeing it so much more especially in the baby boom generation, due most likely to some loud noise and concerts.”
Baker begins her diagnosis after clearing wax from the ear canal. A comprehensive hearing test is done to learn the type of hearing loss a patient is experiencing and the best method of treatment. Hearing aids may be fitted when needed.
Family members will notice the speaker volume going up. Typically, a spouse will encourage their loved on to visit Ears of Oklahoma after noticing their husband or wife is having trouble hearing conversation at a restaurant or a place with a competing background noise. Older adults might complain that they have difficulty in hearing their grandchildren speak.
“That’s always a sign that they know there’s some loss there, just because of the range the kids voices typically fall in,” Baker said.
Recent advances in technology has made it easier for audiologists to restore more lifestyles with improved hearing.
Hearing aids are receptive to Bluetooth now. Clients wearing one can receive a phone call directly in their ears without holding the phone next to their ear. Bluetooth technology can be sent directly to the hearing aid as well.
The brain is wired to hear in stereo to process hearing. Sound is filtered for clarity before it ever reaches the eardrum.
“So basically, if the spouse is with them watching the TV, they can set the volume wherever they want,” Baker said.
An app designed for tinnitus helps to minimize ringing in the ears.
Additionally, Bluetooth technology enables the use of a bi-cross hearing aid. Sound is transferred to the deaf ear from the healthy hear.
“It gives people back the location of sound,” she said.
A rewarding part of Baker’s profession is hearing patients tell her that their life is better now after going to Ears of Oklahoma.
“They can hear in a very difficult situation — for instance in a noisy restaurant,” she said.
Research indicates that even a mild hearing loss may double the risk of dementia, Baker continued.
“A moderate to severe hearing loss triples it. And if it’s a true, severe hearing loss, you’re five times more likely to develop dementia early.”
People get their life back with restored hearing. They are no longer nervous about not saying the right thing in a conversation.
Baker looks forward to the end of the pandemic. Technology allows her to enter an office, assisted living or home to test and provide hearing aids in the comfort of home.
“That’s something that’s real exciting and I can’t wait for that to start happening,” she said.
Twenty years ago, Baker began her practice in Ardmore. She continues to have the clinic there. Baker had been with the Otologic Medical Clinic at the Hough Ear Institute for several years and decided to open her second independent practice of her own in Oklahoma City. She branched off in November to the Ears of Oklahoma location at 3400 NW 56th St., Oklahoma City.
Patients come to see Baker from many parts of the state. It’s nice to have a practice in Ardmore, she said.
“I’m one of the very few in southern Oklahoma,” she said.
Baker recommends well fitting earplugs to protect hearing during loud concerts or when exposed to loud industrial noise. Persons working in conditions of excessive industrial noise should have proper hearing protection, she advised.
Helping others to hear better is a passion
Baker has had since childhood. She had a friend growing up who had a hearing loss.
“When we’d go swimming, she had to take her hearing aids out and she couldn’t hear anything,” she said. “Ever since then I’ve had a passion to try to help people. It’s miserable not to hear birds and hear the things we take for granted every day of our life. So, to give that back to a person, and to watch them hear for the first time — things they haven’t heard — we both cry. When I put in hearing aids for the first time it’s very, very rewarding.” For more information visit or call 405-673-1327.

Mayor of Choctaw Appreciates Early Mentor’s Help

Lane and husband Randy Ross met while they both attended UCO where he majored in accounting on a wrestling scholarship to earn a BS and MBA.

Story by Darl Devault, Feature Writer

From left, Dr. John P. Clemons, their coach Jim Kinyon, state champion Billy Mitchell and Randy Ross pose during a Midwest City High School wrestlers reunion in 2014.

Randy Ross, 66, says as the mayor of Choctaw and the executive director of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board his life’s outlook was shaped 50 years ago by an important coach.
“I started wrestling when I was 9 years old in the fourth grade,” Ross said. “Compared to a lot of kids I won far more than I lost, but I never achieved my goal of a state championship in high school at Midwest City, ending up as a State Runner-up. But I won more when I got to college. including becoming the first All-American in modern times at Central State University (now the University of Central Oklahoma).”
What he also gained from those hours spent in the wrestling room is something not measured by wins or medals, but instead by learning important life lessons lasting forever, he said.
He has been called chairman, president, mayor and many other titles in different organizations. Those titles come and go, but one thing never changes—he can say “I am a wrestler.”
“I learned the discipline necessary to study for and pass the CPA exam from wrestling,” Ross said. “I learned to persevere through difficult times, through tragedies, through the highs and lows of life, to take the next step.”
His high school wrestling coach, Jim Kinyon, made a significant impact on Ross’ life on his way to coaching Midwest City High School wrestlers to the school’s first wrestling state championship 50 years ago in 1971 and again in 1972.
Coach Kinyon taught them the skills and techniques required to be successful on the mat. “Important to my future and who I am today he also understood as a coach of impressionable young men he had an opportunity to instill character traits to last a lifetime,” Ross said.
“My successes in life and my career are founded on the lessons the great sport of wrestling gave me,” Ross said. “In my career, I have fought the battles in board rooms, managed the tough political campaigns. I have weathered the insults from fans as I officiated matches. A coach or two might have had choice comments, but wrestling gave me the tools to handle mentally and physically whatever was tossed at me.”
Kinyon died in 2016, but his legacy has lived on among the hundreds of lives he positively affected through the sport of wrestling. Ross says these are the life lessons he modelled for his athletes.
Be Humble and Keep Working
There is no bigger test than competing in one-on-one physical combat. But unless you are a world-beater, there will always be someone better than you. Kinyon helped Ross make the choice to go on to compete in college.
Success in wrestling is directly proportional to the amount of training you undergo. Being physically talented is one thing, but often the outcome of a match is decided by which athlete has put more work into practice and conditioning. There is no substitute for hard work, an important lesson which helps post-wrestling. Without Kinyon’s early guidance Ross says he would not have likely been elected to the Oklahoma Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2017.
Wrestling is an individual sport, so accountability is everything. Wrestling is also a team sport as points are awarded at each weight class based on who won each match and by how much. After a wrestling meet the total team points decides the team victory or loss.
After weigh-in before a tourney Kinyon would go over this information with each Bomber wrestler. He explained what to expect from their opponent. Once he got to the end of the weights, he would add up the points each wrestler would likely earn. He then told the team what we needed to do to win the tournament.
This ability to use figures to give others confidence in what they are doing may well be the reason he became an accountant at UCO.
Mental toughness is as important as physical strength.
Ross was injured in a car accident in high school. Coach Kinyon worked with him create the mental toughness needed to continue to perform.
“An example of this is two days before the 1972 state tournament I came down with an intestinal bacterial infection,” Ross said. “I did not practice the next day, laid up in bed. That night Kinyon came to my house and took me to the high school to weigh. I was a couple of pounds over my 106-pound weight class. Kinyon told me what to eat and they would be by to pick me up for weigh-in the next day.”
Ross offered to let Gus Blackwell wrestle in his place, but Kinyon said “No, you helped us get this far, and if you can walk, you are going to wrestle.”
Ross took second place in the tourney, helping the team to a second consecutive state championship.
“Coach Kinyon taught me even more important than physical strength is your attitude,” Ross said. “If you allow it to, your mind will almost always give up before your body. Wrestling not only works the body but the mental aspect and controlling emotions before and during a match is a key to success and later life.”
Confidence Through Preparation
Kinyon was known for his calm demeanor during matches, often appearing as an observer, like the fans. This special mix of strong teaching skills and high-performance standards won him honors as a coach. Only coaching at Midwest City for four years, 1969-1972, Kinyon was named 1971 and 1972 Oklahoma Class 4-A wrestling coach of the year.
“I never won a state championship, the kids won the state championships,” Kinyon said in 1995. “Wrestling is a game of skills. The guy with the best skills is usually the guy who wins. If it were just strength, then all your big football players would be great wrestlers. But it is a game of skills. Once you master those skills it just comes natural to you.”
Asked to compare his mat side coaching style to his rivals Kinyon said he felt the other coaches tried a little too hard to coach during the match because they felt helpless themselves about the outcome.
“It is out of your control (once the match begins)—if you haven’t done a good job of teaching… then your athletes are in trouble,” Kinyon said in 1995. “Where you win you dual is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday… on Thursday you lighten up a little bit, then you make weight, and you are ready for the match. The coaching is done. If you have to coach a guy—you can give him some pointers, but the real coaching is done in the practice room.”
“Once I graduated from college, I found this same mentality can be taken into any group or work setting,” Ross said. “Learning to properly prepare for any situation is extremely valuable.”
Wrestling is a lifestyle. It requires dedication and discipline away from the mat, especially when it comes to diet and nutrition.
Nothing will tax your body more than a wrestling match and any deficiencies in your diet will affect your performance. Wrestling also requires the discipline to put in the extra 6 a.m. run or after-practice weight session if you want to be successful.
“My interaction with coach Kinyon rewarded me with exposure to all these qualities,” Ross said. “They helped spark my college studies and wrestling career to remain with me throughout my life. This preparation in life has allowed me to handle the many ways I have been stretched serving the citizens as a public figure while being the mayor of Choctaw.”

Greg Schwem: Should your place of residence make you an idiot?

Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author.

by Greg Schwem

While traveling, Greg Schwem has noticed visitors excuse poor behavior by stating their place of residence.

Eight girls, all in their early 20s and adorned with “Birthday Babe” T-shirts, frolicked along the Savannah, Georgia, riverfront amid the city’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
“Who’s the birthday girl?” yelled Savannah Mayor Van Johnson, interrupting an interview he was conducting with me.
“This one!” they yelled, pointing to one girl holding a pink beverage.
“Where are your masks?” Johnson said.
“We’re from Florida,” one replied.
“You’re in Georgia now,” Johnson retorted. “Please put them on.”
The girls complied as Johnson briefly stepped away from the camera to pose for a picture. Ironically, we had just been talking about Savannah’s mask mandate, a policy many revelers openly violated in a city known for raucous St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
The following evening, as I performed stand-up comedy in Savannah’s entertainment district, a clearly overserved woman, in her mid-50s, constantly interrupted my act forcing me, at one point, to ask, “Is it OK if I talk every now and then?”
When the show ended, I slapped on a fake smile as she approached.
“Thanks for coming,” I said.
“I know y’all don’t mean that,” she replied, oblivious to the fact that she was only addressing one person. “But I don’t care. I’m from Georgia.”
In just over 24 hours I had witnessed two instances where state pride was deemed an excuse for risky, and stupid, behavior. I guess it’s time to tear up municipal code enforcement manuals, state regulatory guides and federal law books. Do whatever you want, America. Justify it with your place of residence.
Now of course, this is a humor column so I’m not actually condoning dangerous and illegal activities. In other words, Des Moines natives, don’t cause a miles long traffic jam by driving your John Deere tractor at 10 miles per hour in the middle of Interstate 80 and yelling, “I’m from Iowa!” at frustrated motorists.
But, Brooklynites, feel free to come to Chicago, purchase a slice of deep-dish pizza and fold it on the subway before you consume it. Yes, tomato sauce, cheese and probably a meatball or two will squirt out onto a nearby rider but that’s their problem. You’re from New York.
Conversely, Chicago residents, head to the Big Apple, order a hot dog from a street vendor, take a bite, spit it onto the sidewalk and then refuse to pay because the dog doesn’t contain celery salt. When he looks at you in confusion, show him your driver’s license.
Colorado, when it came to legalizing marijuana, you were trailblazers, no pun intended. But, if you plan to fire up a joint in Alabama, you could be looking at a year in jail and a $6,000 fine. Or you could just tell the arresting officer you live in the land of ski resorts and Coors beer and continue walking toward the 7-11 for a bag of Doritos. I’m sure he’d understand.
According to a 2019 Thrillist survey, Heinz Ketchup is most popular in Pennsylvania, no surprise considering the condiment was invented there. So, Pittsburgh residents, just bring your own bottle into a high-end Nebraska steakhouse and slather it onto that 16-oz T-bone. Better yet, do it in the presence of the chef and say, “NOW it’s perfect.”
Finally, if you are planning to cause a disruption and then proudly announce where you are from, it’s best to be from a state that isn’t known for much of anything. Walk drunkenly into a wedding you aren’t invited to, kiss the bride on the lips and say, “Don’t mind me, I’m from Maine.”
You can make a quick exit while all the guests Google, “wedding traditions in Maine.”
(Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author of two books: “Text Me If You’re Breathing: Observations, Frustrations and Life Lessons From a Low-Tech Dad” and the recently released “The Road To Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: A Pile of BS From a Corporate Comedian,” available at Visit Greg on the web at
You’ve enjoyed reading, and laughing at, Greg Schwem’s monthly humor columns in Senior Living News. But did you know Greg is also a nationally touring stand-up comedian? And he loves to make audiences laugh about the joys, and frustrations, of growing older. Watch the clip and, if you’d like Greg to perform at your senior center or senior event, contact him through his website at

SAVVY SENIOR: How to Help Your Elderly Parent with Their Finances


Dear Savvy Senior,

What tips can you offer on helping an elderly parent with their finances? My 84-year-old father is having trouble keeping up with his bills and insurance, and I just found out that he’s been making contributions to a suspicious charity. Reluctant Daughter

Dear Reluctant,
Many adult children serve as financial helpers to their elderly or ill parents. They provide services like paying bills, handling deposits and investments, filing insurance claims, preparing taxes and more. Here are some tips and resources that can help you help your dad.
Start with a Conversation
Taking on the task of helping an elderly parent with their finances can be a sensitive and difficult topic. The first step in helping your dad is to have a respectful talk with him expressing your concerns, as you stated in your question, and offering to help him with his financial chores. If you have siblings, it can be a good idea to get them involved too. This can help you head off any possible hard feelings, plus, with others involved, your dad will know everyone is concerned.
Get Organized
If your dad is willing to let you help manage, monitor or take over his financial affairs your first order of business is to get organized by making a list of his financial accounts and other important information. Your list should include his:
* Contact list: Names and numbers of key contacts like insurance agents, financial advisor, tax preparer, family attorney, etc.
* Monthly bills: Phone, cable, water and trash, gas, electric, credit card accounts, etc.
* Financial accounts: Including bank accounts, brokerage and mutual fund accounts, safe-deposit boxes and any other financial assets he has. Also get usernames and passwords for financial accounts that are set up online.
* Company benefits: Any retirement plans, pensions or health benefits from his current or former employer.
* Insurance policies: Life, home, auto, long-term care, Medicare, etc.
* Taxes: Copies of your dad’s income tax returns over the past few years.
Locate Important Documents
This is also the ideal time to find out if your dad has the following essential legal documents: A will; an advance directive that includes a living will and health-care proxy, which allows you or another family member or friend to make medical decisions on his behalf if he becomes incapacitated; and a durable power of attorney, which gives you or a designated person similar legal authority for financial decisions, if needed.
If he doesn’t have these important documents prepared, now is the time to do it. And if they are prepared, make sure they’re updated, and you know where they’re located.
Simplify Financial Tasks
The quickest way to help your dad simplify his monthly financial chores is to set up automatic payments for his utilities and other routine bills and arrange for direct deposit of his income sources. If your dad has savings and investments scattered in many different accounts, you should consider consolidating them. You can also set up your dad’s bank system and investment accounts online, so you can pay bills and monitor his accounts anytime.
Set Up Protections
To guard against scams and risky financial behaviors, consider getting your dad a True Link Visa Prepaid Card ( Designed for older adults with cognitive issues this card would provide your dad access to his money but with restrictions that you set on how funds can be spent. Or check out, a web-based service that will automatically monitor your dad’s accounts, track suspicious activity and alert you when a problem is detected.
Seek Help
If you need help or live far away, consider hiring a daily money manager (see who can come in once or twice a month to pay bills, make deposits, decipher health insurance statements and balance his checkbook. Fees range between $60 and $150 per hour.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

