Monday, March 10, 2025

Oklahoma State Capitol Museum Reopens


On March 22, 2022, at 10 a.m. the Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS) opened the Oklahoma State Capitol Museum, a state-of-the-art gallery space in the Oklahoma State Capitol. Created as part of the Oklahoma Capitol Restoration Project and located on the ground floor near the new primary public entrance on the south side of the Capitol, the Oklahoma State Capitol Museum contains 4,400 square feet of exhibit space and 13 exhibit cases, featuring more than 125 artifacts relating to the history of the Oklahoma State Capitol and the work of Oklahoma’s state government.
“The Oklahoma State Capitol Museum is a necessary addition to our Capitol Building,” said Lt. Gov. Pinnell. “No state can match our heritage and history, and these exhibits will provide Oklahomans and out-of-state visitors with a hands-on way to experience that history. I appreciate the hard work Trait Thompson and the rest of the Oklahoma Historical Society have put in to make this dream a reality.”
“The new Oklahoma State Capitol Museum provides a key educational component to our beautiful Capitol for visitors from around the world,” said Thompson. “The Oklahoma Historical Society has worked very hard to install exhibits that showcase the unique story of our Capitol and help people of all ages understand the important work that takes place within its walls. This museum is an integral part in making the Capitol a must-see destination when people come to Oklahoma City.”
Admission to the Oklahoma State Capitol Museum is free to all visitors. The museum will be open from Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Researcher Earns Grant for Age-Related Cognitive Impairment

Shannon Conley, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the college’s Department of Cell Biology.

In the process of aging, many older adults bear the heavy burden of dementia and vascular cognitive impairment, conditions that can rob them of quality of life and put them at risk for falls and injuries. To explore a promising premise in aging research — that changes to the brain’s tiniest blood vessels may play an outsized role in cognitive decline — an OU College of Medicine researcher recently received a $1.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Shannon Conley, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the college’s Department of Cell Biology and a research member of the Oklahoma Center for Geroscience and Healthy Brain Aging, earned the five-year grant, which will allow her to further explore how damaged micro-vessels in the brain may contribute to cognitive decline.
“It has become increasingly evident over the past 10 to 15 years that the smallest blood vessels are important in terms of contributing to disease pathology,” Conley said. “In the brain, this is especially important with aging. Because the brain can’t store any extra oxygen, the loss or damage of even a few tiny blood vessels means there’s not enough oxygen being supplied. In this project, we want to understand what is causing the damage or loss of blood vessels in the brain of an older adult.”
Specifically, Conley is focusing on the relationship between IGF-1, a common growth hormone that promotes blood vessel health, and smooth muscle cells, which surround the outside of blood vessels and help regulate blood flow by contracting and dilating. Researchers know that a person’s IGF-1 levels decline with age and that a deficit of the hormone can lead to defects in blood vessels. However, much less is known about the role of smooth muscle cells in that process.
“The research community has not really looked at the role of IGF-1 deficiency on the smooth muscle cells, specifically in the brain and in the context of aging and age-related cognitive impairment,” Conley said.
For this project, Conley has created an animal model that does not have a receptor for IGF-1 in the smooth muscle cells, resulting in a research model that mimics accelerated aging. Her first aim is to chronicle what happens when the smooth muscle cells can’t respond to IGF-1. Potential effects include damage or loss of blood vessels and impairment of the blood-brain barrier. She will also monitor to see whether the smooth muscle cells become impaired in their ability to contract as they normally do.
“One of the things that is important about smooth muscle cells in the brain is that they contract to protect the small blood vessels from the effects of systemic hypertension,” she said. “If you have systemic high blood pressure, you don’t want the tiny blood vessels in the brain to experience that. They’re very fragile and could have small bleeds or hemorrhages. So we’ll be watching to see if the smooth muscle cells lose their ability to protect the small blood vessels.”
Conley’s study will also seek to determine what is happening on a molecular level when smooth muscle cells cannot respond to IGF-1. “For example, do we see changes in the genes that are associated with cell contraction? Do we see early death of smooth muscle cells?” she said.
Ultimately, one of her goals it to identify targets that might be suitable for a therapeutic intervention. Treating an IGF-1 deficiency isn’t as simple of giving someone a supplement of IGF-1; because it is a growth factor, it could promote abnormal growth in other tissues and cells. However, some of the changes that occur because of IGF-1 deficiency could be a target for future treatments, she said.
Conley’s research is a component of the growing discipline of geroscience research, the study of the biology of aging. Aging itself is one of the biggest risk factors for disease, and many of the cellular mechanisms of aging are common across a wide range of pathologies.
“The things that go wrong in the blood vessel cells in the brain that can lead to dementia are some of the same things that can go wrong in the retina and lead to age-related macular degeneration. And some of those same cellular mechanisms can contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease pathologies or Parkinson’s disease pathologies. Among geroscience researchers, there is a lot of interest in what we call the basic cellular mechanisms of aging. We’re not looking specifically at the disease, but how the cells change as we age, and how that increases our risk for a variety of pathologies.”
As people live longer, research like Conley’s is especially important. Medical advancements may be able to keep people alive longer, but many will be diagnosed with conditions that significantly decrease their quality of life.
“As we have longer life spans, it’s really important to identify ways to simultaneously promote increased health spans,” she said. “It’s very challenging when you have loved ones who have severe illness or cognitive impairment, yet they are not dying; they are physically able to keep living. We want to help people stay healthier longer.”
Research reported in this news release is supported by the National Institute on Aging, a component of the National Institutes of Health, under the award number 1R01AG070915-01A1. Federal funds were secured with the help of seed grants from the Presbyterian Health Foundation, the OU College of Medicine Alumni Association, and the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology.

Partnership serves Tealridge residents at home

An innovative partnership with Orthopaedic and Neurological Rehabilitation is serving Tealridge residents in the comfort of their own homes.

Rising gas prices, the ongoing fear of contracting the latest illness, and just parking and traffic in general.
Tealridge Retirement Community residents don’t have to worry about any of it when it comes to receiving therapy services – all from the comfort of their own retirement community.
Tealridge Executive Director Melissa Mahaffey’s, MHA, goal was to bring convenience and accessibility to the residents of Tealridge – something that currently is being done in other metro communities. However, her aim was to find something that was very unique and different. She found what she was looking for when she found Orthopaedic and Neurological Rehabilitation (ONR).
“I think overall everyone’s aim is quality of life so people be independent as long as possible,” Mahaffey said. “We’re working together. The residents are top of mind of anything we do here and we want to make sure we have resources in place to make it easy and possible for each and every resident to access the care that they need.”
The ONR TOUCH program works with continuing care retirement, assisted living, and senior living communities to establish and maintain innovative, onsite therapy and wellness programs.
Support is matched to each resident’s ability to age gracefully by offering proactive, comprehensive therapy services across the continuum of care.
What that means for Tealridge residents is they are able to receive physician-ordered rehabilitative, physical, occupational, and even speech therapies without leaving their residence.
In addition to therapies, ONR also provides fitness, wellness, and educational programming from a full-time, onsite licensed physical therapist in Kate Glasgow, PT.
Glasgow previously worked in a home health setting. She likes the partnership with Tealridge, which gets her back into the residents’ daily lives and into the halls at Tealridge.
“It’s very beneficial,” Glasgow said of being onsite. “Building rapport and relationships with residents here and getting to know them on different levels helps them improve in their environment as opposed to offsite where the skills we work on might not transfer as well to their environment.
“It really is a convenience factor being on-site full-time. We’re here Monday through Friday.”
Kaitlin Petrie, OTR/L, is ONR’s director of business development.
She said Tealridge is the first ONR community partnership in the OKC metro area and one that’s sure to be a hit with residents and their families.
She expects the model to be quickly adopted by others.
“It lends itself especially to independent living residents because they are out and about and they want to be out and about,” Petrie said. “Our fitness classes allow us to connect with residents and build rapport and have more of an impact with fall reduction.”
“We’re so thankful and so blessed,” she said. “We’ve experienced exponential growth and I think it’s because our model is so unique. We’ve got the resource of a full-time director on campus Monday through Friday.”
The partnership allows ONR to fulfill outpatient speech, physical and occupational therapy orders from providers in the comfort of a patient’s own apartment or in the dedicated ONR therapy gym inside Tealridge.
Services are billed under Medicare part B outpatient services and covered under most insurance plans.
The ONR TOUCH program offers staff stability with the same dedicated director and therapists in the community daily.
Residents seeking enhanced mobility, greater independence and increased success with activities of daily living will enjoy the luxury of these onsite therapy services. With more than 30 years of experience providing personalized and specialized therapeutic care, ONR’s core tenet is that life should be lived to the fullest at every stage.
Pain, weakness, or limited mobility should not prevent you from doing the things you love.
Petrie said ONR’s program utilizes several evidence-based, research-based clinical programs that dictate plans of care and treatment programs.
“There are really very few ailments that exist that we don’t have a matching clinical program,” Petrie said. “It’s always evolving with the research and that’s where ONR dedicates its resources.”
For Mahaffey, the partnership just made sense for Tealridge and its residents.
“It’s convenience and accessibility,” Mahaffey said. “They’re going to be able to easily access these services. It keeps them independent for as long as possible and with a good quality of life and that’s all we want to aim for. In addition to ONR, Tealridge has several partnerships with home health agencies, physician mobile services as well as ComForCare Home Care.
“We want to have everything, hopefully, under one roof. For the most part, residents don’t have to leave the community to get medical issues taken care of unless it’s a specialist provider appointment.”
Tealridge Retirement Community is a full-service retirement community located at 2100 NE 140th Edmond, OK 73013. Should you have any further questions, please call 405-546-2385.
For more information on Tealridge Retirement Community visit:

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The Awesome Brain

Christina Sibley, Medicare Specialist, Sibley Insures.

Christina Sibley, EMT/RMA
Bachelor of Science Health Studies-Gerontology emphasis

We’ve all heard it, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. The assumption being that learning or improving our brains is somehow behind us, past a certain age. The truth is, that’s a bunch of malarky. Our brains continue to grow new connections, reorganize connections, and prune unused ones, through our entire lives. This is called brain plasticity.
In short, the nerve cells in our brains look a little like trees. There’s nerve endings where roots would be, these receive signals. There’s a sort of trunk, that contains an axon and a cell body, signals travel through/over this, and finally there’s an area that looks like spread out branches, these are dendrites and they send the signal to the next cell.
These amazing cells are lined up end to end (axons to dendrites). There are tiny gaps (synapses) in between and chemicals (called neurotransmitters) move between the two ends, to send and receive signals. These individual cells line up, bunch together, and make up our brain, spinal cord and all our nerves.
The cells and connections between cells can be damaged by many things, but our brains are designed to attempt self-repair, to make new branches/connections or to make a new connection with a different neuron, and clean out damaging proteins/debris. This repair and reorganization, according to Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his new book Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, happens best, it turns out, when we sleep.
We form new connections and memories all the time, especially in the areas of the brain we use often. The more we visit the information or skill, the more the area builds and becomes permanent. It has to go from short term memory, which we lose quickly, to long term memory.
This new cell growth is helped by good overall nutrition and moderate exercise. Get the blood flowing with plenty of nutrients and oxygen, and good things happen to our bodies. We’ve been told this for years. Easier said than done, but it’s worth a revisit and it holds true for all our cells.
Many of us have kids and/or grandkids that we have watched grow. As children they have to build massive amounts of brain cells/neurons that go all over their bodies. They are also building muscle cells and dexterity. How do they do it? They play of course.
They’re active physically. They are unafraid and learn new things and skills all the time, from us or in school. They’re mentally active. They laugh, dance, dream, and create for their own benefit, simply because it feels good.
So the next time you think “I can’t learn that” know that you absolutely CAN. If you feel intimidated or awkward, take a lesson from your kids/grandkids and play to learn. Within reason, of course, no rollerblading, and consult your physician. Be unafraid to learn. Don’t worry about how long it takes or that it’s a work in progress. The act of learning new things and skills is what helps keep our brains, and bodies, healthy and functioning properly. Your awesome brain will thank you!
Christina Sibley, with Sibley Insures, is a licensed health insurance agent who specializes in Medicare plans, all types, and Medicare education. Call (405) 655-6098 or visit See our ad in the Resource Directory on page 17.

Photographer Nears Two Million Images

As a freelance photographer for 40 years, Richard T. Clifton’s work has primarily told an Oklahoma story of every level of fame and iconic coverage of its events and people. Photo by Madelyn Amacher, Bedford Camera & Video.

Story and photos by Darl Devault, Feature Writer

Sports photographer Richard T. Clifton, 65, has become a generational legend for his prolific body of work in Oklahoma City since first chronicling future Olympic gold medalist Shannon Miller’s gymnastic performance at the 1989 Olympic Festival. His latest website, created in 2010, features 1.9 million photos from his efforts.
These photos emphasize high school sports and other events around the state, and the nearly two million photos is not a misprint. You can find the photo count and these images at his online site:
If it has been of public interest in the Oklahoma City area from 1980 onward, chances are Clifton photographed it. In 1980 he started shooting for the Chickasha Daily Express newspaper covering high school sports and the University of Oklahoma. He was the only photographer covering women’s basketball, volleyball, and men’s and women’s gymnastics for OU for many years.
In thousands of pictures, he captured the moment of almost anything that was an annual event in Oklahoma City, including a surprising array of one-time events in the evenings and weekends. He compiled his prodigious record all the while teaching physical education for 29 years at Lincoln Elementary School in Chickasha. He retired from teaching in 2008.
To become a legend like Clifton, photographers must start at a higher level than most and persistently expand their market and expertise. He has excelled as a photographer with varying images: sports events, retirements, dating, portraiture, commercial applications, media use, weddings, graduations, family events, fashion, parties, engagements, religious ceremonies, teams, and office settings.
A devout Christian, he now takes photos of the children of some of his photography subjects of three decades ago. Looking back through decades of experience, he fondly remembers his early years gaining acceptance as a photographer.
“As a volunteer photographer for the 1989 Olympic Festival here in Oklahoma City, we were assigned certain events to cover and told not to deviate from that schedule,” Clifton said in a recent interview. “After turning in my first rolls of film, the organizers could determine the quality of my work. Suddenly they gave me many rolls of film, upgraded my credential to all-access, and told me I could photograph any event I wanted to shoot.”
Encouraged by his early successes, he took on photographic challenges at a higher level. He was soon the chief photographer for the two Olympic coaches, Steve Nunno and Peggy Liddick, who trained Shannon Miller at Dynamo Gymnastics.
Because area news outlets have published his work as a photojournalist over the years, his images have been interwoven into the fabric of the state. He has shot the professional sports of baseball, bowling, basketball, football, tennis and golf in Oklahoma. He has donated a sizable part of his time to help local nonprofits document special events at several points in his career, often creating their most prized images.
His striving to get the best photograph has had immediate and long-lasting benefits for several nonprofits over the decades. These groups include the Oklahoma Sports Museum, Sooner State Games (now State Games of Oklahoma), and the now-defunct Oklahoma City All Sports Association from 2003 to 2018.
He has worked for national sports governing bodies such as the Big 12 conference while covering Division I softball, baseball and basketball, including the Women’s College World Series and NAIA Women’s National Golf Tournament. He has shot for the Oklahoma Soccer Coaches Association and served as the OSSAA podium photographer for state wrestling tournaments.
Clifton is one of the most easily recognized photographers in the metro area, where he and his sports action shots are well known. He has achieved an unparalleled level of consistency, adept at taking action shots during high school and college games over three decades.
Clifton’s photos in high-pressure situations during the Women’s College World Series have been featured in their programs and website and in the only definitive book written about the event. “Clifton’s photos are highlights in my narrative of this great event,” said Larry Floyd, co-author of “A Series of Their Own.” “His capturing some of the great moments in women’s collegiate softball has been duplicated for other sports over decades. Only his love for and dedication to his craft could produce such a body of quality work.”
His photos can be found on the pages of many other books. He says he is proudest of his image of former world No. 1 tennis star Monica Seles for her book.
Clifton has developed a following of other photographers who look to his expertise in finding where the most compelling action shots can be taken at sports venues. Local photographers also learn of the essential tools of their trade by observing Clifton’s expensive cameras and special lenses.
His early black and white prints, color slides, and negatives since 1989 showcase late 20th century Oklahoma City life. His eight years shooting Dynamo Gymnastics’ 1992 and 1996 Olympians and Olympic coaches Steve Nunno and Peggy Liddick provide an invaluable record of that historical period. He documented the Warren Spahn Award for decades while donating his time to the Oklahoma Sports Museum in Guthrie.
Outside the sports world, Clifton created iconic photos of many local, national and international celebrities, such as Dr. Nazih Zuhdi’s retirement in 1989. His pictures tell an easily understood story in various settings, making him one of the best portrait photographers available.
Clifton has shot weddings in almost every area venue. He ensures the wedding party, decor, dress, flowers, and cake are treated in skillful shooting, with professional studio lighting and thoughtful composition.
Learning his trade with film in the 1980s, Clifton’s photography equipment evolved into digital as he learned image-enhancing software such as Adobe’s Photoshop to enhance his work. This may explain why his website is approaching two million photos while he works independently as one of the market’s most respected freelancers.
Clifton has built his reputation with a blend of artistry, computer enhancement skills, and business professionalism. “My interest in photography was sparked during the photography portion of journalism class my senior year at Lawton Eisenhower high school in 1974,” Clifton said. “Just two years ago, I reconnected with my high school journalism teacher, Betty Tumlinson, and was able to tell her of the impact she had on my life.”

TINSELTOWN TALKS: Western script enticed Don Murray back to the big screen

Marilyn Monroe and Don Murray diner scene in Bus Stop - Twentieth Century Fox

By Nick Thomas

Joe Cornet, left, and Don Murray on the set of Promise – photo provided by Joe Cornet.

Joe Cornet never initially considered now 92-year-old Don Murray for a role in his 2021 western film “Promise.”
“I wanted an iconic actor for one of the roles and approached two other veteran western stars, but for one reason or another neither worked out,” said Cornet, from Los Angeles, who wrote, directed, and co-produced the almost 2-hour-long western drama.
Already acquainted with Murray’s son, Cornet explained his dilemma to the younger Murray who proposed a simple solution: “Why don’t you get dad?”
“So, I sent Don the script but wasn’t really expecting to hear from him – I just didn’t think he would do it,” explained Cornet. “However, he called the following day to say he loved the story, calling it a classic, and asked when the shooting started!”
Murray’s previous big-screen appearances had been a pair of 2001 films two decades earlier, but he required little convincing to dude-up in cowboy gear for Cornet’s film which depicts a desperate search for lost gold and lost love, both linked to the Civil War.
“It has elements of the classic western but it’s also not cliché-bound,” said Murray from his home in Santa Barbara. “It was just a great concept, very imaginative with good writing.”
Murray, on set for a week to shoot his scenes at a Southern Californian ranch, “was a gem” according to Cornet. “He has three large, important scenes, two with me. He added a lot of quirks and nuances to create an interesting character.” Currently available on Amazon Prime, “Promise” was entered in Tucson’s Wild Bunch Film Festival last October, receiving 11 awards including Best Picture.
Don Murray is no stranger to award ceremonies, having been nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his first film role in 1956’s “Bus Stop,” co-starring Marilyn Monroe.
“It was a total surprise, I couldn’t believe it,” said Murray of his reaction when learning that the film’s director, Josh Logan, insisted the producers cast him as a rambunctious cowboy alongside the notoriously difficult Monroe.
“I was aware of her reputation, but didn’t let that bother me,” recalled Murray. “I didn’t pay any attention to what people thought of her. I was just involved with the work and working with her which was a great experience. She was very supportive of me and we got along well, no problems ever.”
Murray also remembers Logan going to great lengths to put Monroe at ease. “He was always very supportive and made her feel comfortable,” he said. “He was very positive and didn’t criticize what she was doing.”
After “Bus Stop,” Murray went on to work in numerous TV shows and appeared in some 40 films, often tackling challenging roles that portrayed compelling characters. He appeared in several westerns and believes the genre, though far less common today, can still attract audiences.
“There’s always the classic theme of the western but there’s also room for creative changes in the screenplay, giving a better sense of western reality,” he says. “(Joe) actually took advantage of that and created a classic piece all its own and I was very proud to be part of it.”
Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, in Alabama, and has written features, columns, and interviews for numerous magazines and newspapers. See

New INTEGRIS Health Chief Operating Officer Named

Brent Hubbard

After a national search, INTEGRIS Health is excited to share the selection of Brent Hubbard as the health care system’s new chief operating officer.
Hubbard comes to INTEGRIS Health most recently from Mercy Health System, Mercy Hospital Springfield Communities, where he serves as president and COO. Since 2016, his responsibilities were to lead the strategic direction of seven hospitals with administrative and operational oversight of 7,500 coworkers.
Prior to Hubbard’s current position, he served as the chief operating officer at Mercy Health System, Mercy Hospital Fort Smith Communities, and the chief operating officer at HCA, Medical Center of McKinney. Other roles he has held include associate administrator at HCA – Centennial Medical Center and executive director and director of marketing at Woodward Regional Hospital.
Hubbard received his Bachelor of Science in business administration from Oklahoma State University and his Master of Business Administration from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He is an accomplished health care executive and brings to INTEGRIS Health a strong focus on performance metrics. He is a believer in continuous process improvement. Hubbard has extensive experience in improving physician and coworker engagement, quality measures and patient outcomes, and achieving operational excellence to include service line growth and expanding patient access to health care.
He and his wife, Hilary, were both raised in Oklahoma, Mooreland and Woodward respectively. They are excited to be moving, along with their three children, back to the great state of Oklahoma and joining the INTEGRIS Health team. Hubbard’s first day at INTEGRIS Health will be May 2.

FROM DARL DEVAULT: Gratitude for Writing For Senior News and Living

Photo by Bobby Anderson, Staff Writer from a feature story appearing in our June 2019 issue. “At 91, John Ferguson still entertains generations young and old.”

Story by Darl DeVault, Contributing Editor

Senior News and Living Contributing Editor Darl DeVault.

Grateful for being able to write for Senior News and Living for almost three years, I am now sharing how my writing began.
I met John Ferguson, 91 at the time, at the June 2019 OKC 50+ Better Living Expo at the Oklahoma State Fair Park, where he was dressed as his “Count Gregore” character from decades of WKY-TV fame.
I first saw him standing in his character’s makeup and black cape, talking to a lady well away from any of the booths.
Playing Count Gregore, he was a favorite local on-air television personality for me while growing up. He is most famous for hosting live the 11:30 p.m. Saturday Nightmare Theater, Sleepwalkers Matinee, Creature Features and Horror Theater. He entertained his sizable TV audience as the host of eight movie series from 1958 to 2002 while on KFOR-TV, KOCO-TV, KOKH-TV, KAUT-TV and KOCB-TV.
I introduced myself, telling Ferguson how much everyone appreciated his talented entertainment in this market. He thanked me for remembering him. We talked about other things he had done in the OKC market.
He told me he made a living in other creative agendas. He wrote, produced and appeared in countless radio and television commercials in sales, sales management. He mentioned other places he lived while employed in different facets of the entertainment industry. He spoke fondly about making commercials from behind the camera.
Our conversation turned to how difficult it was to make a living in a small market like Oklahoma City. I told him I was J-school trained at the University of Oklahoma, writing for The Oklahoma Daily, the student newspaper. We agreed OKC is a small market for creative endeavors.
His characters made him a household name for his many fans playing with local legend Danny Williams during those years. He talked about how he enjoyed starring as “Bazark, The Robot” and “Evil Duke of Mukedeen” opposite his hero character Dan D. Dynamo (Williams), on WKY-TV.
He was amazed I could retire as a writer at 55 in 2010. My explanation was the Oklahoma taxpayers spent a lot of money on us at OU. They funded the school’s printing press and an excellent Journalism Department as a significant investment in my learning to write well. Our conversation soon broke up, as I did not want to take up all his time.
Later, while leaving the Expo, I walked down the last row of booths. There was Ferguson again. He was still in makeup, sitting without his black cape behind a booth all by himself, watching people go by. I thanked him again for his time speaking with me and wished him well.
While speaking to him, a guy came rushing up to the booth. He hurriedly told Ferguson he needed him to get his cape on because he wanted to introduce him to people in another booth.
Ferguson started to look for his cape while pointing at me and saying to the guy seeking his help, “he’s a writer.” He found his cape and stood up to put it on. Again, to the person hurrying him to get ready, he said while pointing at me, “he’s a writer.”
The two of them were about to walk away from the booth. Ferguson pointed at me for the third time and said to the guy, “he’s a writer.” By this time, curious about why he kept saying that, I asked Ferguson, “Why do you keep saying that?”
Ferguson then introduced the guy saying, “this is Steven Eldridge, the publisher of Senior News and Living, who is looking for a writer.” At first focused on Ferguson, I finally looked down to notice what booth he had been sitting behind. It was the Senior News and Living booth, a major Expo sponsor.
Ferguson’s effort to point me out as a potential employee caused Eldridge to ask me where I learned to write. I said, “I was J-school trained at OU in the mid-70s.” Eldridge then asked me what I was writing now, and I replied I was retired.
Eldridge told me I could be a good match for his reader’s demographics at Senior News and Living with my writing background and being retired. He asked if I would write a story for him to evaluate for the publication. He said if he liked my work, he would offer me a job writing feature stories. Eldridge told me my articles could start on the front page. He said he would also pay me for photographs.
He asked me if I had any ideas for an upcoming article he could evaluate. I said I did not have any story ideas in mind. He gave me his business card and the last two Senior News and Living issues.
I saw Bobby Anderson wrote for Eldridge when I looked through the magazines. Anderson was also OU J-school trained, having written for the Norman Bureau of The Daily Oklahoman. In looking over the June issue, Anderson, an excellent journalist, had written a front-page feature article about Ferguson, which explained why he was at the event.
I remembered I had taken photographs of Osage master artist Clancy Gray at the Red Earth Arts Festival earlier that month. Gray was The Honored One for that year at the event in downtown OKC.
Knowing how to contact Gray through the Red Earth organizers, I started to craft an excellent front-page feature story about him with good photos. I had taken a compelling photo of the Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt, an Osage, and his family with Gray because they bought a painting from him at the event.
A few days later, I finished the article after interviewing Gray. I emailed the article to Eldridge along with the photographs. True to his word, he ran it on the front page. I have now written every month since.
I am grateful to Ferguson for providing me with a meaningful life experience by prompting my interaction with Eldridge. That gratitude also extends to Eldridge for allowing me to write for him during these last two years of COVID-19. The timing could not have been any better for my mental health during the isolation of being careful about the pandemic.
For Count Gregore fans like me, there is a 2008 YouTube video worth watching wherein the Count introduces his top 10 horror movies worth watching at Count Gregore’s top ten (2008-10-23) – YouTube.
Ferguson explains how Danny Williams motivated him to create so many characters in a 24-minute Vimeo video narrative in 2011 of his WKY-TV career at

Greg Schwem: I have no more passwords left to give


by Greg Schwem

Remembering all your passwords can be exhausting.

“Hello! Thank you for downloading our app, which is guaranteed to take up valuable memory on your phone and ensure that, if you ever have a problem with our company, you now have the tools to solve it yourself. Which is why, on our website, you will not find any kind of contact information; only the sentence, ‘Most issues can be solved by downloading our app.’”
“First, we need a user name. Sorry, that name is not available. Nor is that one. Or that one. ‘Bootyliciousgranddad’? As weird as it sounds, even that one has been taken. ‘Greg79450854’ is available. Congratulations.”
“Now, please enter a password. It must contain one capital letter, one number, one special character you never knew existed on your keyboard, and another special character you create simply by pressing, simultaneously, ‘control/option/shift/return/command/function/tab/CAPS LOCK/>/<.’”
“That password is weak. Please try something stronger. May we suggest, ‘Pwb8*)@?!sV’?”
“Now, please re-enter the password. Sorry, the passwords didn’t match. Please check the spelling and be reminded that certain characters do look alike, particularly the ones we suggested for you.”
“Success! If you have not yet thrown your phone against a wall in anger, you are ready to use our app. Almost. First, we need to verify that you are you and not some robot that is capable of completing the user name and password steps. Please retype the following characters: 0oO1liImnmmnmnnOo0.”
“Please click here to request another series of characters that look like they came from an eye chart at your optometrist’s office. You have four more attempts.”
“Whew. You did it on your last try. Way to go! Now you just need to click on every square containing the color white.”
“Try this one. Click on every square where you see a road.”
“Close enough. You have successfully installed our app. Now, please download the latest version,, which we released while you were trying to find the roads. Please close all other apps on your phone while the installation takes place. The new version will be installed in approximately 13 minutes. Or three hours. Or two days if your internet connection sucks.”
“Your app is now up to date. You may sign in.”
“First, we need your credit card information and a scanned government issued ID. This could be a passport, driver’s license, Social Security card or anything else that could make your life a living hell if hackers stumble across it. But that isn’t going to happen. Rest assured; we NEVER share your personal information with outside sources. And we’re serious. That’s why we capitalized ‘NEVER.’”
“Now it’s time to link your credit card information to your digital wallet. Click here to establish a digital wallet. You might want to walk away from your phone for a few minutes, because establishing a digital wallet means creating another user name, password and avatar. Spend this time away from your phone by going to another device and Googling, ‘What is an avatar?’ Or just beat your head against a wall.”
“Make sure you store your digital wallet login information separately from where you keep your other password information. If you cannot access your digital wallet, you will NEVER be able to retrieve the funds you placed there during a night of drinking with your friends because Steve told you it was time to start investing in cryptocurrency. By the way, Steve did not offer to pick up the check. What does that tell you about crypto?”
“Please check your inbox for a verification email. Simply click the link and you will be able to use our app. If the email does not appear between 30 seconds and 24 hours, please check your spam folder. If you do find the email in your spam folder, please add our address to your ‘contacts’ folder so we can send you periodic updates about changes to the app. If you have questions, our chat bot is here to help.”
“Please be advised that our chat bot only knows how to say, ‘Refer to your app.’”
(Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author of two books: “Text Me If You’re Breathing: Observations, Frustrations and Life Lessons From a Low-Tech Dad” and the recently released “The Road To Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: A Pile of BS From a Corporate Comedian,” available at Visit Greg on the web at
You’ve enjoyed reading, and laughing at, Greg Schwem’s monthly humor columns in Senior Living News. But did you know Greg is also a nationally touring stand-up comedian? And he loves to make audiences laugh about the joys, and frustrations, of growing older. Watch the clip and, if you’d like Greg to perform at your senior center or senior event, contact him through his website at

