Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Oklahoma Arts Council Seeks Nominations for 40th Annual Governor’s Arts Awards


Now through August 7, the Oklahoma Arts Council is inviting Oklahomans statewide to submit nominations for the 40th Annual Governor’s Arts Awards. Each fall, the Governor presents the awards during a special ceremony at the State Capitol, recognizing individuals and organizations whose efforts in the arts have made an impact in communities, schools, or across the state.
The 2015 Governor’s Arts Awards marks a banner year for the event.
“This year, we celebrate not only the 40th anniversary of the Governor’s Arts Awards, but the 50th anniversary of the Oklahoma Arts Council,” Oklahoma Arts Council Executive Director Amber Sharples said. “Ten years into our existence, in 1975, we recognized a need to honor individual Oklahomans and specific organizations that play invaluable roles in making the arts flourish across our state. Forty years later, we proudly carry on the tradition. The nomination process allows us to learn about those whose contributions, sacrifice, and dedication merit recognition by the Governor and the Council.”
Awards are presented in several categories:
Governor’s Award – recognizes individuals for longtime leadership and significant contributions to the arts across Oklahoma.
Arts in Education Award – recognizes an individual, organization, school, educator or group for their outstanding leadership and service in the arts benefitting youth and/or arts in education.
Business in the Arts Award – recognizes businesses/corporations who exhibit outstanding support of the arts in Oklahoma. This award was created in memory of Earl Sneed, prominent arts advocate.
Community Service Award – recognizes individuals for significant contributions to the arts in specific Oklahoma communities in the areas of leadership and volunteerism.
Media in the Arts Award – recognizes an individual member in the media who demonstrates commitment to the arts in Oklahoma documented through public awareness support and fairness, initiative, creativity and professionalism in reporting. This award was created in memory of Bill Crawford, veteran professional journalist.
George Nigh Public Service in the Arts Award – recognizes an Oklahoma government official for outstanding support of the arts. The category was named in honor of former Oklahoma Governor George Nigh.
Nominees must be current residents of the State of Oklahoma and living in Oklahoma full time, or organizations/businesses that work in and for the benefit of Oklahoma. Previous recipients of the Governor’s Award are not eligible. Honorees will be selected by the Governor’s Arts Awards Selection Committee, which is comprised of members of the Governor-appointed Oklahoma Arts Council board and may include past Governor’s Award recipients.
An online nomination form and a downloadable nomination form are available at arts.ok.gov. Deadline for submissions is Friday, August 7.
For more information, contact Joel Gavin, Oklahoma Arts Council director of marketing and communications, at (405) 521-2037 or joel.gavin@arts.ok.gov.

Senior Talk: What’s the most important thing?


What’s the most important thing in your life right now? Integris Canadian Valley Hospital Volunteers

The most important thing is my family and staying well. Bette Zweibel

I would say it would be my family. June Rennie

My family which is half in Texas and half here. Beri Wingo

Independence considering I was paralyzed for two months. Shelia Pendergraft

Palmer Continues to ‘Paint the Town’

Dr. Bob Palmer, is probably best known and remembered by his over 1800 murals around the state of Oklahoma, Canada, Mexico and Eastern Europe.

Story and photo by Vickie Jenkins

After 40 years of teaching, Dr. Bob E. Palmer, Ed.D retired in December, 2014. His final position as an Educator was a Professor of Art, in the Department of Art at the College of Arts, Media and Design with the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK. His plans have always been to continue his successful mural painting business with Palmer Studios, Inc.
Dr. Palmer remembers when he became interested in painting. “I was 8 years old at my aunt’s house. That is when I did my first painting,” he says with a grin. “I used food coloring to make different colors and added it to white shoe polish. I wish I had that painting today. I am sure one of my relatives has it now. Maybe one day I can find it and bring it home,” he laughed. “My painting materials have come a long way since then,” he adds.
You may not know Dr. Palmer personally but I am sure you have seen some of his art work. Dr. Palmer is best known and remembered by his over 1800 murals around the state of Oklahoma, Canada, Mexico and Eastern Europe. Being from Walters, OK, Dr. Palmer has done quite a few murals in small towns and one can hardly travel across our state without finding evidence of his works. Dr. Palmer takes pride in his public works; historically accurate and true to our western heritage. Palmer’s murals have served as back drops in TV commercials, major movies and television series that have been filmed in Oklahoma.
“What is your favorite thing about being an artist,” I ask. “I love being creative. I love working with my hands and making things. To me, painting is so relaxing and therapeutic. Most artists are risk takers and break the rules sometimes, so that makes me an artist,” he laughs. “When I was little, I was determined to paint. I did some drawings but I never had any lessons. Everything was self-taught. I always had colored pencils and sketch books to keep me busy.”
I asked Dr. Palmer to describe himself in 3 words. “I would have to say, creative, responsible and self-driven.” Looking around his studio at his art work, it was easy to see that he did possess these qualities. “What is your favorite mural that you ever painted?” I ask. “I would say the Santa Fe Railroad Wall. It’s a landmark here in Oklahoma City.” Asking Dr. Palmer what the largest mural he ever painted was, he replied, “The one I just finished in Duncan, OK. It is 30 feet high and 150 feet long. It took about 3-4 days to finish it, with my crew. Of course, we have to consider the weather too. We always try not to let it take too long.”
It was no surprise that Dr. Palmer is inspired by nature, other’s art work, photography, museums, sculptures and children. Palmer’s wife, 2 daughters, and 3 grandchildren keep the ideas going for him. “I feel like I need to be creative all the time. I even have an inspiration folder. I just go to my folder and I always have some idea of what to paint,” he says.
“What is something about yourself that most people don’t know?” I ask. “I have my MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Photography. I enjoy photography but there is nothing that I like better than being an artist and creating my art work,” he states.
Asking Dr. Palmer if he had any words of wisdom to give to someone, he said, “I remember my dad telling me, ‘Only boring people get bored.’ I am never bored and I suppose I lived up to that one. Being retired, enjoying life, every new day is an adventure. I feel like I was given a gift and I have a duty to give it back. I’m just out there, living my life.”
Dr. Palmer continues to paint, going to different art shows, conducting workshops while balancing home and family. He holds membership in several art and professional organizations, continuing to be in demand for public appearances across Oklahoma and around the globe.
Dr. Palmer is currently writing and publishing a book about his many murals, the stories behind the projects and the unique legacy of the artist and educator. You can view Dr. Palmer’s art work on his website Muralsbypalmer.com. Next time you see a mural, more than likely it has been done by one talented man, Dr. Bob E. Palmer, Ed.D.

Kindness and dedication – LPN helps each day to count for residents

Tammy Williams, LPN and director of nursing at Ash Street Assisted Living Center and owner Joe Chappell provide services for the elderly with their independence in mind.

It’s easy for Joe Chappell to say what he admires about his nursing staff.
“I just admire how compassionate they are,” he said. “You’re only as good as your staff.”
The Chappell family also owns the Golden Age Nursing Center across the street from Ash Creek Place, Willow Creek Care Center in Guthrie and the Golden Oaks Village assisted care living center in Stillwater.
Ash Street Place Assisted Living Center in Guthrie strives to keep its residents at a high quality of life, said Tammy Williams, LPN and director of nursing.
“She doesn’t leave this building at 4 p.m.,” Chappell said. “This building goes home with her on nights, on weekends. She gets phone calls if someone falls. She doesn’t live close. She lives in southern Logan County and I get phone calls from her on a Saturday night at 10 p.m. and she’s here because someone has fallen.”
If someone falls, Williams come up with a plan of correction. She constantly is thinking of ways if something happens to a resident to keep it from happening again, Chappell said.
She knows about challenges people face after an injury.
“Years ago I had been in a car wreck and had my leg broke,” she said. “I was 9 years old. I got out the day after my birthday. And the way the nurses treated me and took care of me made me tell my parents, ‘I’m going to be a nurse.’”
Williams’ talents go beyond nursing, Chappell said. She is also a counselor. Quality nurses are scares and can work anywhere they chose, he said.
“It takes a special nurse to care for the elderly I think,” Chappell said. “You have to have a heart for it because if you didn’t you’d be working somewhere else.”
Williams could work in a doctor’s office and leave at 4 p.m., but she’s attached to her residents at Ash Creek Place.
She can often be seen working crossword puzzles with residents, who tell her stories about how Guthrie used to be.
“I think it needs to be a home environment. You need to love the residents and be able to talk to them,” said Williams who likes to spend her leisure time caring for people.
“I go home and take care of my grandkids,” she said.
At Ash Creek she knows her goal is to keep residents as independent as possible, Williams said. Many times Ash Street Place accepts residents who have been in a nursing home but have become dependent on the assistance they received at a nursing home.
“We have to transition them, kindly, to independence again, because they are expecting more help than we want to provide for them, because our goal is to keep them independent,” Chappell said.
Chappell explains to every resident who moves to Ash Street Place that assisted living means they must be able to self-transfer and get to the dining room. They can do that with an electric cart or a wheel chair, but they need to be able to get out of bed and into the wheel chair to get there, he said.
“We certainly will provide skilled care for someone who gets sick. We may have someone who temporarily can’t get out of a chair for a couple of days, or we don’t think they’re safe walking to the dining room.”
Williams’ expertise is seeing they can provide the appropriate level of care for each resident by doing assessments to ensure the facility can meet their needs. She is on the phone with a doctor when she notices subtle changes in a resident’s health.
“She’s dedicated to it. I never have to worry when an inspection comes in,” Chappell said.
Williams has worked for the Chappell family for 12 years since earning her nursing degree at Francis Tuttle Technology Center. For the last six years she has assisted the residents at Ash Street Place.
Chappell’s grandfather, Leo Chappell, bought the Golden Age Nursing Center when Joe was 5 years old in 1961. Joe’s father had talked him into purchasing the nursing home.
“My granddad bought the building. My dad rented the building from him and owned the business,” Chappell said. He has always said you can walk through Golden Age and see the evolution of the nursing home by going from wing to wing.
Construction is adding 12 rooms to Golden Age today to add to the privacy of its residents, he said. They will be licensed for the same amount of residents, he explained.
“We already have a state-of-the-art gym designed for senior citizens with 16 different machines that are air-pressure powered,” Chappell said of providing a complete workout. “We’re also open to anyone over 50 to work out there free.”
The new wing will also provide a pool in the basement for water therapy and recreation.
A pre-k class will also open four 4-year-olds to attend school in the same manner as what already occurs at Willow Creek and at Golden Oaks.
This intergenerational type of program is growing across the U.S. Children learn tolerance and connectivity to other generations in a time when extended families no longer live together for the most part.
“Not only do the kids entertain the residents, but the residents entertain the kids,” Chappell said. “It puts a spark in the eye of the people that live in the nursing home.”

National Survey Reveals We Take Dear Ol’ Dad for Granted


Speak-Up, Dad!

Dads have too much pressure yet keep quiet about their needs

Father’s Day traditionally takes a backseat to Mother’s Day but a new national survey reveals we owe Dad special attention on his big day this year. The survey reveals that more than half of adult children (52%) sometimes feel they take their dads for granted! Why?
1) Families expect so much from Dad (be the breadwinner, romantic husband, caretaker for children, athletic supporter, handy man,)
2) Dads aren’t as vocal about their needs and accomplishments
3) Mom seems to get all the attention!
The national survey of 300 men and women was commissioned by Visiting Angels, one of our nation’s largest in-home senior care companies with more than 500 offices throughout the country.
Nearly ½ of those surveyed (44%) say they have felt dads get slighted on Father’s Day because…
1) Moms get more attention on Mother’s Day
2) Dads don’t expect as much on Father’s Day so they can get overlooked
3) It can be hard to find a good gift for Dad
Americans spend half as much on gifts for Father’s Day than they do on Mother’s Day, according to the National Retail Federation. While Mother’s Day is the third largest spending-holiday in America, Father’s Day ranks number six on that list, behind Valentine’s Day and Easter.
What gifts do adult children plan to give Dad this year?
• Top gift: a card
• Second: quality time with the kids and family
• Third: gift cards
When Dads were asked what they REALLY want for Father’s Day, they said:
• Top gift: quality time with the kids and family
• Second: gift cards
• Equally tied for third: retreat to the man cave and a card
Turns out, we are giving Dad gifts he really wants! By the way, only 10% of dads say they really want a new tie for Father’s Day! And, only 13% say they want those “world’s greatest dad” gifts.
Three out of four (76%) adult children say they plan visit their dad on his special day because…
• 86% say they love him and want to spend time with him.
• More than ½ (58%) say they want to set a good example for their kids.
• 1 in 5 (20%) say it’s one of the few times they get to see him each year because they’re so busy.
“It’s no surprise the survey reveals adult children adore their dads and want to visit them in-person on Father’s Day because they don’t get as much time with their aging parents as they would like,” said Larry Meigs, CEO of Visiting Angels, one of our nation’s largest in home senior care companies, with an office in our area. “On Father’s Day and every day, our caregivers go into seniors’ homes to provide companionship, light housekeeping, meal preparation and transportation. When you can’t be there for Dad, we’re here to help.”
Visiting Angels is the source for this survey and this online survey was done by a third party and commissioned by Visiting Angels.
Survey participants (150 men, 150 women) have no affiliation with Visiting Angels.

June 15 declared Elder Abuse Awareness Day


Governor Mary Fallin has signed a proclamation declaring June 15, 2015 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Oklahoma. In conjunction with the proclamation, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) is urging Oklahomans to report elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
“When you see something, say something,” said Gail Wettstein, DHS Director of Adult Protective Services (APS). “In Oklahoma, a startling number of our older citizens and neighbors are victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation – regardless of culture, race or income level.”
Elder abuse has become a significant public health and human rights issue in all fifty states. More than 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day and that trend will continue for the next two decades. Most vulnerable Oklahomans who are victims of abuse and neglect are women over the age of 60 and most of the maltreatment occurs in the victim’s own home.
In 2014, Adult Protective Services conducted more than 15,000 investigations into elder abuse, neglect and exploitation and more than 7,000 of the cases were confirmed. 65 percent of the cases were self-neglect and 12.5 percent were caretaker neglect. Abused and neglected older Oklahomans are somebody’s mom or dad, sister or brother, grandmother or grandfather.
If you suspect an older adult is in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation, call your local DHS office during regular business hours or the statewide Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511.
Visit the DHS website to learn more about prevention and maltreatment of older adults, terminology about vulnerable adults and adult maltreatment, and warning signs of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Every vulnerable older adult in Oklahoma deserves a safe environment. DHS, its partner agencies, stakeholders, volunteers and advocates are working to help end elder abuse.

APRN helps families from around the world

Diana Schaeffer, MPH, MSN, APRN-CNP, has spent 40 years as a nurse and now treats patients from all over the world.

by Mike Lee, Staff Writer

When Claire Carrick received the news that her son Noah had been diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma it hit her with a force she had never felt.
When she learned that her 18-month-old’s best shot at a cure was on another continent the pediatric optometrist and her husband packed a few suitcases at their Manchester, England home and got on an airplane.
Luckily for Noah’s family, Diana Schaeffer, MPH, MSN, APRN-CNP and the ProCure Proton Therapy Center were waiting to receive them.
“I was quite frightened. We didn’t know what to expect,” Carrick said. “We didn’t know what the treatment would entail. We were uprooted to somewhere that was completely different. Diana was there to talk us through.”
Schaeffer’s speciality is pediatric cancer patients, both foreign and domestic.
ProCure maintains a contract with the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. Patients from England, Scotland and Wales will find their way to Oklahoma and Schaeffer.
Word has traveled quickly about what ProCure has to offer bringing in patients even from China and Bahrain.
“It’s very difficult,” Schaeffer said. “If you can imagine your world being turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis with your child and now you have to pick up and take your child where you don’t know anybody. You don’t know where you’ll be staying and you have no idea who these people are that you’re going to hand your child over to.”
Schaeffer’s nursing career began in an emergency room setting. From there she worked for an insurance company doing utilization review. A master’s in public health followed as did a position as the chief of nursing services for the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
She earned her APRN in the process.
“I just felt a need to put that to work,” Schaeffer said.
In 2012 she found ProCure.
“You know, when you’re trained as a nurse you’re kind of trained with some cultural sensitivity but you really aren’t quite trained to deal with day-to-day how to live and how to entertain them daily while they’re here. Most of your training is hospital-based but we’re not a hospital.”
Many out-of-town visitors will stay at the nearly Staybridge Hotel, which nurses have nicknamed “The Colony.”
But they have almost daily appointments at ProCure.
“It’s very easy to get very close to these families,” Schaeffer said. “I keep in touch with all of them as they go home. I know my patients and my families very well. I see them almost every day.”
Carrick said the 10-week stay in Oklahoma City was difficult but Schaeffer and her husband helped soften the blow.
“She’s on speed dial with us,” Carrick said.
ProCure is one of two proton centers in the nation that treat UK pediatric patients while the country builds their own proton centers.
ProCure Treatment Centers is a privately held health care company dedicated to improving the lives of patients with cancer by increasing access to proton therapy.
The company was founded in 2005 in Bloomington, Ind., and is the first to develop a network of proton therapy centers in cities across the United States.
ProCure’s solution reduces the time, cost and effort necessary to build and operate a facility. ProCure is advancing proton therapy by collaborating with radiation oncology practices and hospitals to develop centers through innovation and improvements in technology, and by providing training at the world’s only educational facility specializing in proton therapy.
Schaeffer also coordinates care with OU Children’s Hospital if patients need chemo in addition to proton therapy. She relays information back to the child’s care team in the UK, acting as their “constant clinical lifeline” as she says. And since no one travels with their family doc, Schaeffer even provides urgent care for any of the family’s needs while here.
“I just kind of fell into it,” Schaeffer said. “I think I’m in the only nurse practitioner in the state that does any kind of radiation oncology and I know that I’m the only proton nurse practitioner.”
Carrick said the nine-hour plane ride to Oklahoma City gave the family plenty of time to wonder what they would encounter across the pond.
Once they arrived there was a definite dose of culture shock. And being in Oklahoma City during the spring meant the Carricks got to hear their first tornado siren.
“Diana was on Facebook with me telling me we were fine,” Carrick said.
The Carricks still have a road to travel. They left in mid-May and Noah’s central line was removed before the travels. That will have to be reinserted on arrival back home.
A kidney function test is scheduled and then an MRI in three months.
But whatever the Carrick’s face, Claire knows they won’t have to face it alone.
“She’s our nurse,” Claire said of Schaeffer. “But she’s our friend now as well.”

Retirement Plans Can Be Imperiled When Long-Term Care Needs Arise


Savings Are Depleted Quickly If Not Properly Protected

There’s a tendency to give a silent cheer any time the average life expectancy grows a little longer.
But long life also has its downsides.
“Not everyone will spend all of their retirement years being active and doing all the fun things they planned,” says Mark Cardoza, author of the book “Positioning 4 Retirement.” (www.positioning4retirement.com) “Many people will end up needing long-term care, such as in nursing homes, and that can be expensive. How to pay for that care is a looming problem for a lot of people.”
Cardoza began learning about long-term care needs when his father became terminally ill about a decade ago. Much of what he learned was not reassuring.
The federal government knew as far back as the 1970s and 1980s that long-term care of aging Americans would become a growing issue, Cardoza says.
“They realized that the American public saw growing old and being cared for as an entitlement,” he says. “Instead of educating people and creating political trauma, they developed what we now know as ‘qualified retirement plans.’ ”
Such plans include the popular 401k plans that many employers offer in lieu of pensions these days. They are attractive because they allow people to defer taxes on the money placed in the account, and some employers offer matching funds.
But retirement savings can be vulnerable when a person needs long-term care, Cardoza says.
The cost of long-term care can deplete retirement savings pretty quickly. One option for offsetting some of the costs is to apply for Medicaid. But in some cases, unless retirement savings are properly protected, they can be considered an asset and must be spent first before Medicaid kicks in, Cardoza says.
He says there are several options for protecting your retirement savings and getting the most out of those dollars you so painstakingly set aside throughout your working years. A few options include:
• Long-term care insurance. A long-term care insurance policy, if properly designed, will provide your family with financial, physical, and emotional resources while protecting your assets. Financially, it is a way to self-insure, using assets to pay for coverage, entirely or while getting through the look-back period. A long-term care insurance policy is a disability plan. It doesn’t replace incomes as a typical disability plan would; instead, it provides income to pay for necessary services in the event of accident, illness, or aging and being unable to do everyday tasks.
• Fixed annuities. An annuity is an insurance product. Money is placed in the annuity with the insurance company’s promise to pay an amount in the future as a lump sum or in intervals over a decided period of time. Fixed annuities are designed to protect your retirement assets from financial catastrophe. They can also provide security and protect your retirement income by providing an income stream either for the rest of your life or for a defined period of time.
• Irrevocable trusts. An irrevocable trust is used to protect assets, minimize estate tax liability, avoid probate, and maintain privacy. These trusts are designed to protect qualified funds, in which taxes could be deferred, and non-qualified funds, for which tax deferrals were not allowed.
Ultimately, Cardoza says, before making any decisions it’s best to consult with a professional who understands the intricacies of retirement planning.
Mark Cardoza was born in Easton, Massachusetts and has lived there ever since with his wife Janice. Together they have raised three children who are now adults.
After graduating from Johnson & Wales College with a degree in Hospitality Management, Mark entered the corporate world. In 1994, he created Whistles Express Restaurant, a diversified restaurant concept. In 2002, Mark was asked to help a family member settle an estate and quickly learned about insurance and its role in estate planning.
In 2006, Mark sold his restaurant and began working full-time in the insurance industry. In 2011, he established M. Cardoza Insurance, Inc. He holds the designation of CLTC (Certified Long Term Care) specialist and is certified in the area of trusts and estate planning.

Bone and Joint Hospital at St. Anthony to offer FREE Shoulder Pain Lunch-and-Learn FREE Shoulder Pain Lunch-and-Learn


Are you experiencing pain and stiffness in your shoulder? Have movements such as reaching and throwing become more difficult? Join us for a FREE Shoulder Pain Lunch-and-Learn Thursday, June 25, at noon, with Zak Knutson, M.D.
Dr. Knutson is an orthopedic surgeon on staff at Bone and Joint Hospital at St. Anthony. He received his medical degree from the University of Oklahoma, College of Medicine. He completed his residency at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, and his fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery, Department of Sports Medicine and Shoulder Surgery in New York.
The lunch-and-learn will be held in the Education Center at Bone and Joint Hospital at St. Anthony, 1111 N. Dewey Ave., Oklahoma City. The luncheon is FREE, but space is limited. Please call (405) 979-7814 to register.

TRAVEL/ ENTERTAINMENT: Discovering Mazatlan , Mexico


Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn  t4z@aol.com

“Travel is the truest form of education,” – Shirley MacLaine
For years I had heard of Mazatlan, Mexico, and yet not knowing much about it, I decided it was time I was educated by traveling there.
Mazatlan is a West Coast Mexican resort town, which was never planned as a resort town. It has all the qualities needed for such: a developed 13 mile Malecon, or promenade, (http://www.discoverymexico.com/mazatlan/guides/mazatlan-malecon/) along a picturesque ocean front bay, mid to upscale resorts and many dining opportunities.
My Oasis was the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlan –
(www.pueblobonito-mazatlan.com/) an all-inclusive hotel on bustling, Camaron Sabalo avenue, where the traffic competed for audio pleasure in my room with the relaxing swoosh of the surf. I would have changed my room location away from the traffic, but the view of the bay and pools were too outstanding. An all-inclusive hotel option can be your ticket to ease, but sometimes it’s popularity causes delays in seating where no reservations are taken. The popular Bonita hotel chain has a newer property slightly up north on Emerald Bay, which needs exploring. I see in the hotel newsletter there are shuttles up and back, but my stay was far too short and my itinerary was pleasantly filled with other delights.
My stay included an itinerary of many fine eateries in a variety of atmospheres but all with attentive service and with a specialty of Mazatlan fresh sea food.
Costa Marinera Restaurant –
(https://www.zonaturistica.com/restaurante/251/la-costa-marinera-mazatlan.html ), is right around the corner from my stay at the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlan hotel, and has an open air dining option overlooking the bay, with wandering musicians (singer Ernesto Sudea was a favorite) and attentive service. As with many Mazatlan restaurants they offered a variety of breaded shrimp, on a seafood platter of Lobster, Tuna, Octopus, Mahi Mahi and my favorite at all the eateries, fresh Guacamole. I was introduced to Toni Col (emobtell adori) a non-carbonated vanilla coke concoction with a distant taste of Coca Cola.
A breakfast treat at the Shrimp Bucket Restaurant – (wwwgomazatlan.com/en/restaurants/el-shrimp-bucket) was a sugar cookie type offered at the table among assorted pastries. Again outdoor eating, despite the passing traffic was enjoyable, with views of old town architecture and the picturesque dear stature. Mazatlan, I am told, means Land of the Deer. One of the off shore islands is named Deer Island. You can enjoy a slow boat ride around the bay and a stop off at Deer Island, where a casual lunch and open bar, might tempt you away from the banana boat and kayaking activities. With sand between your toes under the shade of a palapa, a cool drink in hand, and views of the Mazatlan hotels across the water, it makes for a relaxing adventure. (www.mazatlantours.org/
kolonahe-catamaran-deer-island.htm )
Panama, with several locations, was my favorite of all the dining options. Here I had a comfort breakfast of egg over easy, potato frites, a crisp Belgian waffle topped with fruit and a heavenly syrup, accompanied by iced tea – it was a satisfying wakeup. The pastries in the shop in the front of the modern clean and uncluttered dacor of the restaurant were tempting and looked too good to eat. Be sure and ask for the menu in English.
Also relatively close to the Pueblo Bonita Mazatlán hotel is the new La Mazetleca (www.lamazatleca.com) seafood restaurant. Weather permitting you can be seated at their sandy outdoor terrace overlooking the crashing surf. With a Mango Margarita, the sun, the breeze, and good company, what more do you need? I enjoyed a salmon with sunset sauce, ~ a refreshing fruity compote. La Mazetleca offers a number of exotic and visually stunning seafood dishes to explore. If outside seating is not an option, the interior has expansive windows toward the surf and video screens for passing the time.
On my departing evening my hosts arranged for a tour of the seaside night life along the coastal road after sunset aboard the signature Pulmonias. Pulmonias are an adoption of a golf cart with open air seating. The story goes that when first introduced this touristy transportation was in competition with local taxis. The taxis warned that you could catch cold or pneumonia riding in this open air motorized cars, thus the nickname Pulmonias. Pulmonias are only used in Mazatlan and have become its trademark image.
The farewell dinner was at the El Presidio –
(www.gomazatlan.com/en/restaurants/el-presidio) a gourmet restaurant in the Historic District. Here the charming atmosphere of a semi open air interior exposed brick courtyard transformed from reuse of an old house and factory, made for an exotic and memorable evening. In fact the atmosphere out did the gourmet food. The congenital wait staff followed my instructions explicitly and made me the best traditional Martini I had during my stay. It would have been easy to order another Mango Margarita but requesting a well-made simple Martini is a real test for any gourmet restaurant and El Presidio measured up.
My stay was too short, but you may also enjoy the expansive market downtown which has everything from souvenirs, table coverings, religions artifacts, fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood and leather goods among its many stalls.
Traveling is not only educational and of course enjoyable, but with a destination like Mazatlan, you may have discovered your favorite Mexican resort. There are a limited number of nonstop airline flights from a variety of United States gateways.
Explore: www.gomazatlan.com


