Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Did 73-year-old woman who gave birth really think this through?

Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author.

For the past week, I have been scouring drug stores searching, without success, for a greeting card I plan to mail to Erramatti Mangayamma and her husband, E. Raja Rao.
The card I’m looking for would say, “Congratulations! What the hell were you thinking?”
On Sept. 5, Mangayamma gave birth to twin girls. This event alone may not be card-worthy, as women give birth every day. But not all of them are 73 years old.
With an 80-year-old husband.
Mangayamma, who is from Andhra Pradesh, India, is believed to be the oldest woman ever to give birth. Unable to conceive since they were married in 1962, the couple approached Dr. Sanakayyala Umashankar, who reportedly agreed to administer one round of in vitro fertilization to Mangayamma.
As someone whose second child was conceived via IVF, I know the risks involved with implanting multiple eggs into a woman’s body. Before doing so, our fertility doctor wanted us to be aware we could end up with not one child, but an entire litter, and were we OK with that?
We ended up with one but, with an infant and a kindergartner to care for, we were routinely exhausted by midday. At the time, my wife was 36. I was 39. Roughly half the ages of Mangayamma and Rao.
Don’t get me wrong, having a baby is a joyous occasion. But do new parents who are well into their years of Social Security eligibility, IRA withdrawals and entry into retirement communities REALLY know what they are getting themselves into? Mrs. Mangayamma, you do know that you can’t go to bed until your new girls have drifted off, right? I’m 56 and my bedtime is approximately 9:30 p.m.
Your infants’ bedtimes should be approximately, oh wait, infants don’t have set bedtimes. Never mind.
Mr. Rao let’s discuss your duties as a first-time dad. Are you OK with assembling two cribs, two strollers and, nightly, bathing two slippery babies? The latter requires very steady hands. I’m not making any assumptions about your manual dexterity but just yesterday, my fingers unexplainably twitched, causing me to drop a full glass of water. Just saying.
Now, new parents, let’s flash forward a few years. I’m not sure how popular youth sports programs are in India, but my girls started playing soccer and softball when they were 6. Mr. Rao, how are your coaching skills? At 86, will you be up to teaching a team of giggly first-graders how to execute a corner kick? Will you be able to frantically wave your arm in a circular motion, signaling your lead runner should round third base and head for home? Are you confident you can perform both those feats without crumbling to the ground, having pulled something?
Also, be ready to argue with opposing coaches who may have different views about athletic development. Sports have changed considerably since you grew up in the good old 1950s.
Finally, let’s not forget that you sired two girls. It’s worth noting that, sometime around 2030, both will be entering those hormonally charged years that, for parents, are about as pleasant as repeatedly biting your tongue in the exact same spot. Mrs. Mangayamma, you’ll be 84 while your husband will be 91. Better pray you both suffer from hearing loss by then; it’s the only way you’ll be immune from the sounds of slamming bedroom doors, screaming arguments about who-took-whose pair of Justice shorts and shouting matches involving bathroom time.
Also, both likely will have radically different dietary restrictions by then. The only thing they will have in common is their disdain for your dinner of choice: Jell-O and soup.
Well, I’ve probably given too many opinions. I’m sure that, after more than 50 years of yearning for children, you two will make amazing parents. Enjoy the experience because it goes so fast. In the blink of an eye, they’ll be out of college and on their own.
And, at 94 and 101, you’ll be empty-nesters.

HEALTH – Special to SNL: Exercises to Help Prevent Bedsores

Female patient listening to doctor in medical office.

by Susan Price – www.NursingHomeAbuseCenter.org

Individuals who have limited mobility or who are confined to a bed or wheelchair are at a high risk of developing bedsores. What starts as inflammation can quickly turn into a painful wound that is difficult to treat. What’s more, once bedsores are established, the patient is at risk for infection, sepsis, gangrene, and amputation. These complications can be fatal.
Bedsores most commonly develop on bony prominences, or parts of the body that come into the most contact with a bed, chair, or other surface. Common places bedsores develop include the heels, elbows, tailbone, and shoulder blades.
Fortunately, bedsores are preventable. Caregivers who follow the standards of care for repositioning, skin care, diet, and exercise can help prevent bedsores among patients.
Exercise to Prevent Bedsores
Exercise is a great way to help prevent bedsores. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, including to the skin. This helps prevent bedsores by keeping skin and underlying tissue healthy and well oxygenated. Exercises don’t have to be strenuous in order to be effective. Here are some examples of the type of exercises that can help prevent bedsores. · Ankle Stretches – Ankle stretches are a great way to improve circulation and range of motion. Caregivers assist with ankle stretches by holding the heel and ankle, and slowing bending and moving the foot around. · Arm Lifts – Arm lifts can be done with assistance, or solo. Raise the arm as high as possible (and comfortable), and hold it for ten seconds. Arm lifts can be easily customized depending on the patient’s needs. · Leg Lifts – Leg lifts are a great way to improve circulation and encourage flexibility and range of motion. These exercises can be done with the patient on their back or side, depending on what is most suitable. The leg is slowly raised even with the hip, and is held there for 10-20 seconds as is comfortable and appropriate. · Palm Stretches – Palm stretches are a simple way to improve circulation in the lower arm and hand. With this exercise, the patient opens his or her hand as wide as possible extending the fingers. Then, the patient touches each finger to their thumb slowly before extending the finger again.
Doing these exercises a few times each day, or even once a day, can reduce the risk of a patient developing bedsores.
Exercise as Part of a Healthcare Plan
Exercise is most effective at preventing bedsores when it is part of a comprehensive healthcare plan.
Caregivers can also help prevent bedsores by making sure patients have adequate food and hydration, access to medical care, and assistance with hygiene.
Bedsores often develop on parts of the body that are covered with clothing or linens. Caregivers should perform routine skin checks to look for signs of a developing bedsore. Once a developing bedsore is stageable, it is dangerous and needs immediate medical attention.
Of course, you should never start an exercise regimen for yourself, or for someone you are caring for, without talking to a doctor first. Exercise should be performed with the guidance of a doctor who knows about the overall health of the patient.
Sources: www.nursinghomeabusecenter.org/bedsores/

TRAVEL / ENTERTAINMENT: South Dakota: More than Mount Rushmore


Photography and Text by Terry “Travels with Terry” Zinn t4z@aol.com

The annual Governor’s Buffalo Roundup in South Dakota had been on my Bucket list for some time. I have always been attracted to the American Bison and am always in awe when in the presence of that intimidating, powerful symbol of America’s western frontier.
A few year’s ago I attended the September Governor’s Buffalo Roundup held in South Dakota. Next year the roundup date is September 25. The annual roundup in Custer State Park includes: an art show, pancake feed Saturday & Sunday mornings, continuous entertainment under the big top, annual buffalo chili cook-off, living history recreations, authentic chuck wagon cookout, state park tours, and of course the roundup itself, when over 1,000 bison are gathered together for inoculations and sale. The wildlife spectacle held in the hills of Custer State Park is an annual event for hundreds of bison enthusiasts. The sight of these brown beauties running into the corrals is a sampling of western lore not easily duplicated.
Custer State park, (www.custerresorts.com/index.php) is one of the largest in the nation, has four state lodges with restaurants, and is accessible to horseback riding and hiking. Seventy-one thousand acres of natural beauty and adventure await you in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. Situated 25 miles south of Rapid City; Custer Resorts is within 25 miles of Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Crazy Horse Memorial, Windcave National Park and Jewel Cave National Monument. As this was my first visit to South Dakota, I explored a few more locales, and found that South Dakota has a lot to offer in the way of diverse landscapes, man made wonders and historic western towns, caught in the 21st century yet suspended with a portion of its pioneer roots.
The splendor of Mount Rushmore is not to be underestimated. (www.mtrushmore.net) One would think that after seeing this image a hundred times in the media that its emotional impact upon viewing in person would be lessened, but it’s not. The mountain itself was originally named after Charles E. Rushmore, a New York lawyer investigating mining claims in the Black Hills in 1885. Sculptor, Gutzon Borglum chose this mountain due to its height (5700’ above sea level), the soft grainy consistency of the granite, and the fact that it catches the sun for the greatest part of the day. The visitor center complete with movie theaters, gift shop, parking garage, snack bar, avenue of states, and event venues, is a boon for the visitor. If you stay for the formal evening lighting program, be forewarned that this is an over the top patriotic celebration of America. I found it enlightening, while talking with some international viewers, that this type of program, that is extolling the virtues of their native land in video and live presentations, would not be tolerated in Europe.
Deadwood South Dakota is a town steeped in history and mystery, but alive today as it ever was. (www.deadwood.org)
The entire city of Deadwood is a national historic landmark. In Deadwood you can ponder the truth at the foot of Wild Bill’s grave in Mount Moriah cemetery (along with Calamity Jane’s), tour Adams Museum and House, pan for gold at the Broken Boot Mine, choose from various guided tours, or take a self-guided walking tour into the past that puts the Wild West into perspective. You may even run into an incarnation of Will Bill himself, either at the number 10 saloon or on horseback inspecting main street. And there’s plenty of casinos for your gaming pleasure along with some fine eateries. One such is Kevin Costner’s Diamond Lil’s, where I had a pleasant Martini during sunset over main street. Costner’s Memorabilia and costumes from his films are on display throughout the dining room, and if that was not enough finery, the top floor hosts a fine dining restaurant complete with piano and beveled glass décor.
Deadwood is full of surprises such as Costner’s founded and funded Museum of the Tatanka (Buffalo) Museum right outside of town. Even with expert Lakota interpreters, displays of costumes worn in “Dances With Wolves”, and historic explanatory panels, the best part of Tatanka is the monumental 17 part sculpture of an Indian hunt near a buffalo jump. With wafts of movie theme music and the rustling of Dakota grass, this hill top venue is the pride of South Dakota, itself. Hats off and congratulations to Kevin Costner for giving back to America with the preservation and inspiration found at Tatanka: Story of the Bison interpretive Center and Sculpture. (For more information visit www.storyofthebison.com)
The badlands is another South Dakota wonder.(www.nps.gov/badl/index.htm) Roaming among the many outcroppings of natural time sculptured stone you are transported to another world. Containing the world’s richest Oligocene epoch fossil beds, dating 37-28 million years old, the evolutionary stories of mammals such as the horse and rhinoceros arise from the 244,000 acres of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles, and spires.
The privately funded Crazy Horse memorial, is indeed a large undertaking and one that started in 1948 and will continue for many more decades. The memorial is more than a carved mountain but also is a Native American museum and artist’s gallery, along with an institution giving scholarships to Native Americans wishing to continue their education. This is certainly a part of Americana where young children can return as adults and see its slow but steady progress. At certain times it’s possible to take tours to the arm of Crazy Horse and feel its immensity. (www.crazyhorsememorial.org)
There are many more treasures to this part of South Dakota including: the towns of Hill City with its Black Hills Bronze works, Black Hills mining museum, the Mickleson Bicycle Trail, the town of Keystone with its Big Thunder Gold Mine tour, the Rushmore Borglum story, and the most delicious meal of my trip at Powder Lodge House. So you can see, South Dakota is more than its most famous resident, Mount Rushmore. www.travelsouthdakota.com

Mr. Terry Zinn – Travel Editor
Past President: International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association

Tealridge celebrates homecoming

Tealridge Retirement Community hosted its Homecoming Open House recently, showcasing almost $1 million in ongoing improvements.
Homecoming week for Tealridge Retirement Community in Edmond! Reliving memories and looking ahead to what is sure to be a future focused on meeting resident needs.

by Bobby Anderson, Staff Writer

The final full week in September was homecoming week for Tealridge Retirement Community in Edmond.
A traditional fall activity, homecoming meant something different for the gathered friends and residents.
Tealridge’s rich 30-year history was on display with the community touting almost $1 million in ongoing improvements to the Edmond mainstay.
Residents past and present toured, reliving memories and looking ahead to what is sure to be a future focused on meeting resident needs.
“It doesn’t really matter how much things are made ‘new’ it’s still the essence of the people and I think that’s a huge piece of this community,” Tealridge Executive Director Melissa Mahaffey said during a break in the festivities.
“And the heart and the spirit,” Tealridge Retirement Counselor Kristen Moss echoed. “Everybody has a story. This community has a story and a history. It’s 30 years old and that’s why we picked the theme of homecoming. Come tell us your story.”
“We’re all fresh eyes in the community but for them this is homecoming week.”
Jon Paden, president of Affordable Community Housing Trust, had a vision of what the community should look and feel like many months ago.
“Our goal is for Tealridge to feel like the home I grew up in. My parents created an environment that was warm, welcoming, safe and a lot of fun. That is how my wife and I tried to raise our three kids and I hope that is how our folks at Tealridge feel about their home”.
Early on, Paden’s group tabbed Mahaffey to make that vision a reality.
“I have a great team,” Mahaffey said simply. “I hire great people. The number one criteria for being on this team is having a heart and soul for people because if they don’t, it doesn’t work.
“The true measurement of a good community all relies on who you have in place.”
A legendary property, Tealridge Retirement Community celebrated its next chapter with new ownership and property improvements.
The two-day event was open to the community.
Edmond Chamber of Commerce members were on hand Wednesday for an official ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Former University of Oklahoma quarterback and NEWS9 personality Dean Blevins entertained the crowd on Thursday.
Nestled next to the 200-acre Oklahoma Christian campus is Tealridge Retirement Community, a full-service, private and locally-owned community providing independent, assisted living and memory care services to the Community of Edmond.
Nancy and Todd Markum were sold on Tealridge from the very beginning.
“We’re excited,” Nancy said. “We were the first ones to get to move back in. It’s awesome. We love it. We always wanted to be here after living across the street.
“We wanted to be home. It’s our friends and our people.”
According to the National Institute on Aging, research studies have shown a strong correlation between social interaction and health and well-being among older adults and have suggested that social isolation may have significant adverse effects for older adults.
Moss said. “What works in New York or Los Angeles and all those cities in between doesn’t necessarily work in Oklahoma.
Jon is open to receive feedback from Melissa & the team on how we can help our retirees live their best life. The decision to move is not easy, we desire to work beside someone through their journey”.
The future is strong for the Edmond senior community, which has evolved in the last 30 years. The addition of the independent component compliments the full care campus concept.
“Who knows what independent living will look like in the next 10 years,” Mahaffey said. “But for right now we’re striving to meet the expectations of this generation. In the future, these services will evolve to a different clientele as our population continues to change.
“Nobody really knows what that’s going to be. It’s going to be wellness and nutrition but what else? Could it be additional traveling opportunities and other outlets for socialization?
One thing is for sure, “It’s about being a community with traditions in which someone feels welcome and that they are’“HOME’”.
For more information about Tealridge Retirement Community call 405-608-8020 or visit www.tealridge.com


Cremation: An Affordable Way to Go


Dear Savvy Senior, How much does cremation cost and how can I find a good deal in my area? I would like to get a simple, basic cremation that doesn’t cost me, or my family, a lot of money. Frugal Senior

Dear Frugal,
Cremation costs can vary widely. Depending on your location, the provider and the services you request, cremation can range anywhere from $500 to $7,500 or more. But that’s a lot cheaper than a full-service funeral and cemetery burial that averages nearly $11,000 today. Here are some tips to help you get a good deal.
Shop Around
Because prices can vary sharply by provider, the best way to get a good price on a simple “no frills” cremation is to call several funeral homes in your area (most funeral homes provide cremation services) and compare prices.
When you call, ask them specifically how much they charge for a “direct cremation,” which is the basic option and the least expensive. With direct cremation, there’s no embalming, formal viewing or funeral. It only includes the essentials: picking up the body, completing the required paperwork, the cremation itself and providing ashes to the family.
If your family wants to have a memorial service, they can have it at home or your place of worship after the cremation, in the presence of your remains.
If you want additional services beyond what a direct cremation offers, ask the funeral home for an itemized price list that covers the other service costs, so you know exactly what you’re getting. All providers are required by law to provide this.
To locate nearby funeral homes, look in your local yellow pages, or Google “cremation” or “funeral” followed by your city and state. You can also get good information online at Parting.com, which lets you compare prices from funeral providers in your area based on what you want.
Or, if you need more help contact your nearby funeral consumer alliance program (see Funerals.org/local-fca or call 802-865-8300 for contact information). These are volunteer groups located in most regions around the country that offer a wide range of information and prices on local funeral and cremation providers.
Pricey Urns
The urn is an item you need to be aware of that can drive up cremation costs. Funeral home urns usually cost around $100 to $300, but you aren’t required to get one.
Most funeral homes initially place ashes in a plastic bag that is inserted into a thick cardboard box. The box is all you need if you intend to have your ashes scattered. But if you want something to display, you can probably find a nice urn or comparable container online. Walmart.com and Amazon.com for example, sells urns for under $50. Or, you may want to use an old cookie jar or container you have around the house instead of a traditional urn.
Free Cremation
Another option you may want to consider that provides free cremation is to donate your body to a university medical facility. After using your body for research, they will cremate your remains for free (some programs may charge a small fee to transport your body to their facility), and either bury or scatter your ashes in a local cemetery or return them to your family, usually within a year or two.
To find a medical school near you that accepts body donations, the University of Florida maintains a directory at Anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu/usprograms.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Women’s Vet. Monument Sets the Standard

The five women service members of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard represent strength and unity in bronze around a flagpole with a large American flag.

Women’s Veterans Monument Sets the Standard for Honoring America’s Best

Del City native First Sergeant Rebecca Edwards, then with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, admires the statue she modeled for in the sculpting of the seven women figures depicted in Del City’s Women’s Veterans Monument in 2014. Edwards is depicted in bronze as a citizen soldier in an Oklahoma Army National Guard uniform speaking to a young girl about her service.

Story and photos by Darl Devault, Feature Writer

With the privilege and opportunity approaching of honoring all military service on upcoming Veterans Day more than 300,000 women have volunteered to serve our country in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The little known Del City monument created as America’s only inclusive bronze monument honoring women veterans patriotically illustrates this pride.
Dedicated in 2014, this Women’s Veterans Monument honoring the two million women who have served and are serving in the armed forces is our nation’s first inclusive-of-all-services tribute.
Sculpted by Luther, Okla. artist Joel Randell, the monument honors women who today make up 16 percent of the enlisted forces, and 18 percent of the officer corp.
In the years since its unveiling, this first-of-its-kind public art has engaged the art community. Oklahoma’s most famous illustrator and fine art painter, Mike Wimmer, sought out the monument as a visitor.
“Joel Randell celebrates the poise, dignity and strength of the women serving in our armed forces,” Wimmer said recently. “Its patriotic expression of figurative realism gives honor to the women who stand up with uncommon valor to serve and protect their nation, community and family. He captured every figurative detail in meticulously representing and honoring the achievements of real women in their chosen branch of military service.”
The polished black granite monument depicts five bronze slightly-larger-than-life uniformed Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard women.
It also features an Oklahoma Army National Guard uniformed woman speaking with a little girl inquiring when she can serve. The mother and daughter are sitting at a reflecting pool before the mother’s departure to serve her country.
The centerpiece is the servicewomen in intricately-correct dress uniforms and caps. They are facing outward in a circle, holding hands. Planners said this represents the strength and unity between them to form a symbol of strength and purpose around a flagpole with a large American flag.
An all-woman committee of eight veterans guided the artist during the $1.5 million project, spending three years planning the monument.
The women, who had attained all levels of military rank and responsibility, designed the overall look and paid attention to the greatest detail. They made sure their service uniform depictions could pass any critical dress inspection a fellow veteran might make of the bronze statues.
Oklahomans SSgt Laurel “Chip” Chambers, MSgt Barbara L. Curry, Capt. Jennifer Grant, Sp4 Linda Kiselburgh, SMSgt Deborah L. McQuillar, AZCS Carolyn Mischke, SSgt Dorothy Rimbold and Lt. Col. Julie Wende served on the committee.
The monument stands in Patriot Park, the site of several veterans’ memorials and monuments and a Veterans Day ceremony each year opposite the Del City Community Center just off I-35. In 1995 the city built the first monument to honor all of Del City’s war dead since World War II. A Fallen Soldier Battle Cross honors veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. A Blue Star Mothers Memorial joined the Vietnam War artwork and soldier mausoleum in 2011.
This newest monument—to those who take the oath to serve their country, allows Del City citizens and leaders to make a strong statement that women veterans deserve honors. This monument says ladies do their share—from the initial historical commitment to provide support, to the now dangerous duty of combat. The folks from this small city next to Tinker AFB celebrate the patriotism that binds them to the goal, keeping America free.
By depicting a youth conversing with a role model, the monument also conveys the multigenerational relationship between women who have served and now younger generations.
With owner John Free Jr., supervising, The Bronze Horse Foundry in Pawhuska, Okla., cast the monument’s bronze figures.
“These seven patriotic figures in one masterpiece are really something,” Free said after installing the statues. “People really like that the artist researched these subjects so strongly for accuracy, because this bronze art is going to stand here forever.”
One Lawton, Okla. combat veteran saw firsthand how a fellow female soldier made the ultimate sacrifice in combat.
Eleanor McDaniel, 67, a veteran of Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield as the first Comanche woman to serve in U.S. combat as the highest-decorated Comanche woman recalled Army Spec. Lori Ann Piestewa. Piestewa, a Hopi, died after an ambush in March 2003 in Iraq.
Piestewa was the first Native American woman killed in combat on foreign soil. McDaniel said the monument honors the sacrifices of all military women, whether in combat or during peacetime.
“This monument is well deserved and long overdue,” McDaniel said in 2014. “Other communities should follow the example. Recognition of this magnitude for our women in the military is uncommon, but many extraordinary women have served and deserve that recognition. I am deeply grateful to the people of Del City and all those that made it possible to recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of all the women of the U.S. military.”
Arizona’s government renamed Squaw Peak in the Phoenix Mountains as Piestewa Peak in 2008 and renamed the freeway that passes nearby in her honor.

RSVP’s Provide A Ride Program Serves as Transportation Alternative for Elderly Parents Who Can No Longer Drive

Faye Beam, coordinator for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.

About one in five licensed drivers in the United States is over the age of 65. Driving is one of the last points of independence some seniors have to give up. This makes it difficult when a family has to have the conversation with an elderly loved one about whether or not it is safe for them to continue driving.
“It is a major life change,” said Faye Beam, coordinator for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Central Oklahoma’s Provide A Ride (PAR) program.
Provide-A-Ride is a free medical transportation program for seniors who are no longer able to drive to doctor’s appointments. Volunteers pick up seniors, take them to their appointments, wait with them, and return them home. Currently, volunteers take PAR clients to more than 300 physicians in the Oklahoma City metro area.
“I receive calls often from children concerned about their elderly parents driving,” Beam said. “All families face similar scenarios. Children become caregivers for their parents, and they worry about their well-being and safety.”
Some of the red flags Beam hears from family members about their elderly parents and driving include: parents getting lost, vision problems at night, easily distracted while driving, developing fear related to driving, or unable to keep up with the expenses of owning a vehicle.
Beam wants families to know that PAR can be a reliable, safe alternative form of transportation for their loved one and encourages family members to have their loved one call and talk with her about the program.
“I always try to make clients feel at ease and comfortable and in charge of scheduling their transportation to medical appointments,” she said.
As with new things, the PAR clients get used to their new form of transportation and most make friends with the volunteer drivers, Beam said.
“They have interesting conversations, and many look forward to the time spent with their Provide-A-Ride drivers,” Beam said.
Beam suggests taking gentle baby steps with elderly parents about the subject of driving.
“Give mom and dad time to think about giving up their vehicle,” she said.
Currently, the PAR program has 683 active clients and 55 volunteer drivers. Volunteer drivers choose their schedules and receive free supplemental liability insurance coverage and mileage reimbursement. If you would like more information for a loved one who can no longer drive or if you would like to sign up to be a volunteer driver, contact Faye Beam at 405.605.3110 or email her at faye.beam@rsvpokc.org.

SENIOR TALK: What’s some of your favorite things about Fall? Norman Regional Hospital Volunteers


My favorites are the foliage colors and of course the temperature and the weather.

Rosa Knight

I can work in my garden again and there’s no mosquitoes.

Melanie Wright

The coolness and the Oklahoma State Fair.

June Cavendish

OU football and tailgating.

Vicki Bailey

Nancy’s Law to help speed breast cancer detection

Sen. Adam Pugh (R-Edmond) visits with John Simpson and Elyzabeth Simpson before the Nancy’s Law bill-signing ceremony. The law is named for John Simpson’s wife Nancy Simpson of Edmond, who lost her life to breast cancer in 2018. The law focuses on dense breast tissue, which can interfere with efforts to detect breast cancer.

Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a bill on that enhances requirements for health care providers who perform mammograms to notify patients about their test results. The measure is part of Oklahoma’s ongoing efforts to fight breast cancer.
Known as Nancy’s Law, the legislation is named for Nancy Simpson of Edmond, who lost her life to breast cancer in 2018 at the age of 69. The law focuses on dense breast tissue, which can interfere with efforts to detect breast cancer.
“Mammograms are vital tools for detecting breast cancer,” said Sen. Adam Pugh (R), Edmond, who co-authored the bill. “But for some women, they may not tell the whole story. Nancy’s Law will equip those women with the knowledge they need to take charge of their health and, in some cases, save their lives.”
Dense breast tissue affects as many as half of all women and can obscure basic mammography scans, making cancer more difficult to detect. Under existing Oklahoma law, if a patient is found to have dense breast tissue, when she receives her mammography results, the health care facility that performed the mammogram must advise the patient of this fact and provide information on additional testing options.
The new legislation requires those mammography results and notification to be emailed to the patient if she so elects.
“Our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters depend on breast screening to detect cancer,” said the bill’s co-author Rep. Lewis Moore (R), Arcadia. “This new measure will give more Oklahoma women the chance to live their lives cancer-free.”
Simpson worked for 30 years as a laboratory technician at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, searching for effective ways to control fats that play a major role in heart disease and stroke.
Although she underwent yearly mammograms, Simpson’s dense breast tissue hid her cancer until doctors discovered it at stage 4, when it was too advanced to respond to treatment. At the end of her life, she wrote a letter to Pugh and Moore that served as the catalyst for the new legislation.
“Nancy dedicated her career to helping make discoveries to benefit people she would never know,” said OMRF President Stephen Prescott, M.D. “Even in the fight for her own life, she did what she could to ensure that future generations of women could take control of their own breast health and live longer.”
“We are so grateful to Sen. Pugh and his staff for what they’ve done in Nancy’s memory,” said John Simpson. “Nancy was a caring, empathetic person. She would love knowing that Nancy’s Law will save lives.”
“This law is a major step for women’s health in Oklahoma,” said Stitt. “It ensures that all women can take advantage of advances in breast cancer detection and treatment that can spell the difference between life and death.”
Nancy’s Law will take effect Nov. 1.


Lee Jennings, M.D., geriatric medicine specialist.

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) recently awarded a three-year grant to the Oklahoma Healthy Aging Initiative, part of the Donald W. Reynolds Department of Geriatric Medicine. ACL is part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
The grant will help fund implementation of a statewide program for falls prevention.
Lee Jennings, M.D., geriatric medicine specialist, will coordinate the program, which integrates complimentary components: Tai Chi Quan: Moving for Better Balance (TCQ: MBB), and Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) in an effort to decrease the likelihood of falls and improve mobility among older Oklahomans and those with disabilities.
“In addition, OHAI will train volunteer class leaders to enhance program sustainability. Our objective is to build sustainable partnerships with organizations, such as hospital systems, long-term care facilities and insurance providers,” Jennings said. She is also principle investigator on a study related to the grant-funded program.
National Falls Prevention Awareness Day, Monday, Sept. 23, is about preventing fall-related injuries. Among older adults, falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries, posing a threat to life and quality of life.
In connection with the national emphasis, OHAI will host a Facebook live event from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.
The event will include healthcare professionals in a discussion of the adverse impact of falls, how to prevent them as well as practical tips for creating a more secure environment. The event will also feature video demonstrations of TCQ and SAIL classes.
Keith Kleszynski, Ph.D., associate director of OHAI, explained that the SAIL program is new to OHAI and relatively new to Oklahoma. “We selected this program for its emphasis on physical activity and its appeal to those inclined toward more rigorous exercise,” he said. “It represents a strategic move to reach more male participants.”
Currently, 79 percent of OHAI tai chi participants are female; however, the risks associated with falls and injuries are not limited by gender.
SAIL was developed to improve strength, balance and fitness – all critical components in one’s ability to remain physically active and reduce the risk of falls. It can be done seated or standing. Tai chi incorporates slow and controlled movements that also increase balance and flexibility.

