Thursday, March 13, 2025

Small but Mighty Volunteer Team Continues Helping Seniors During COVID

Harrah Senior Citizens Center volunteers and employees did not stop when the pandemic hit. Each day, they prepare 100 meals for pickup and delivery for seniors. Pictured here, l to r, are Shirley McKinney, Kim Reynolds, Caroline Rutledge, and Carol Sowle.
Pictured here are Harrah Senior Citizens Center volunteers, l to r, are Chuck Brimer, Rosemary Vermillion, Dana Burgin.

Shirley McKinney, a long-time volunteer at the Harrah Senior Citizens Center, answers phone calls while the kitchen full of fellow RSVP of Central Oklahoma volunteers moves in a swift, almost rhythmic, motion.
Since the pandemic, the Center’s five volunteers, all seniors themselves, and four staff members have not skipped a beat. When COVID-19 hit, the Center closed for gatherings, but the small but mighty team shifted into high gear, meeting a big need in their community for seniors now stuck at home—meals.
“We went from serving 60 meals a day before COVID to preparing 100 meals a day for delivery and drive-by pickup,” said Harrah Senior Citizens Center Director Kim Reynolds. “And our volunteers have showed up every day.”
In August, the Center served more than 3,200 meals. The ability to meet this continuing need is possible only with the help of the volunteers, staff, and the financial support of the Oklahoma County Nutrition Program, the City of Harrah and Areawide Aging Agency, said Reynolds
Prior to COVID-19, seniors came to the center five days a week for exercise classes, card games, snacks, conversation, and lunch. The Center also offers medical appointment and shopping services, which had to be put on hold for a few weeks. Volunteers make phone calls to check in with the homebound seniors. Some of the programs have recently opened back up—medical appointments and shopping trips, and patio bingo just started. Reynolds hopes that the Center will be completely reopened by early November.
“It is a very important social connection for our seniors,” said Reynolds. “If we weren’t here during this time, I’m concerned we would have lost some of our seniors.”
Shirley McKinney has volunteered with the Center for 25 years. In fact, she says, she started volunteering before she was even a senior herself. She has done a little bit of everything over the years from serving on the board and filling out daily Nutrition Program reports to preparing meals, selling dinner and auction tickets.
“Being here for me and for a lot of the seniors is like having another family,” she said. “It helps people to have a place to go to and get out among people. That’s why it’s been so important to stay connected with our seniors during COVID. The Center helps people to not be so lonely.”

It’s falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and Medicare season!

Christina Sibley, B.S. Health studies/Gerontology.

by Cristina Sibley, Sibley Insures Medicare Specialist

Now that Halloween is behind us and visions of Thanksgiving are ahead, there’s still one ghoul left to deal with, Medicare Annual Enrollment. As if anyone who is Medicare age or reaching it could ever forget; the reminders are everywhere! There are so many options that people can feel a bit overwhelmed or don’t know where to start. In order to help bring a little clarity to the chaos, here’s few important things to know or consider this season:

Why all the fuss and hype?
Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) lasts only 7 weeks. It opens October 15th and the last day to enroll is December 7th. In other words, it’s here and gone before you can say pass the pumpkin pie and agent/broker schedules can be filled a week or two in advance.
Changes made during this period take effect January 1st and generally last the entire plan year.
This is the only time of the year that most people can make a change in their prescription drug plan (part D).
This is the only time of year that most people on original Medicare can choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan (part C). This is also the time of year most people on a Medicare Advantage choose another Medicare Advantage plan.

What if I like my plan and my needs haven’t changed?
Your existing plan may not be exactly the same from year to year (Really? Yes, really).
When reviewing your plan each year, will all your medications continue to be covered next year? At the same tier level? Are there any increases or decreases in premiums, copays, co-insurance, or deductibles?
Will your advantage plan change or add new benefits/services? Look for documents in the mail from your plan, starting October 1st, that highlight any upcoming plan changes.

Quality takes time, start early!
Have a list of your needs and medications ready and available. Enter and save your medication list to for easier comparison between plans.
Make an appointment with your agent or broker right away for a face to face, virtual, or a phone meeting. Enrollments can be completed either way in 2020, but schedules can fill up quickly.
A thorough explanation and understanding of your options is important. You will want time to ask questions, get clear answers, decide, and enroll.
You may change your mind about your plan selection later. Now that Halloween is behind us and visions of Thanksgiving are ahead, there’s still one ghoul left to deal with, Medicare Annual Enrollment. As if anyone who is Medicare age or reaching it could ever forget; the reminders are everywhere! There are so many options that people can feel a bit overwhelmed or don’t know where to start. In order to help bring a little clarity to the chaos, here’s few important things to know or consider this season:
Why all the fuss
and hype?

*Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) lasts only 7 weeks. It opens October 15th and the last day to enroll is December 7th. In other words, it’s here and gone before you can say pass the pumpkin pie and agent/broker schedules can be filled a week or two in advance.
*Changes made during this period take effect January 1st and generally last the entire plan year.
*This is the only time of the year that most people can make a change in their prescription drug plan (part D).
*This is the only time of year that most people on original Medicare can choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan (part C). This is also the time of year most people on a Medicare Advantage choose another Medicare Advantage plan. (story continues below)

What if I like my plan and my needs
haven’t changed?

*Your existing plan may not be exactly the same from year to year (Really? Yes, really).
*When reviewing your plan each year, will all your medications continue to be covered next year? At the same tier level? Are there any increases or decreases in premiums, copays, co-insurance, or deductibles?
*Will your advantage plan change or add new benefits/services? Look for documents in the mail from your plan, starting October 1st, that highlight any upcoming plan changes.
Quality takes time, start early!

*Have a list of your needs and medications ready and available. Enter and save your medication list to for easier comparison between plans.
*Make an appointment with your agent or broker right away for a face to face, virtual, or a phone meeting. Enrollments can be completed either way in 2020, but schedules can fill up quickly.
*A thorough explanation and understanding of your options is important. You will want time to ask questions, get clear answers, decide, and enroll.
*You may change your mind about your plan selection later. Meeting early in the season gives you the opportunity and time to make changes before the December 7th deadline.
Know your agent or broker and put
them to work!

*If you work with an agent or broker let them do the hard stuff, that’s what you have them for. Let them do the research and bring several choices, that fit your situation, back to you. Once your decision is made, they fill out the paperwork or do the computer work, so you can relax. Many will also serve as your advisor and liaison with your plan through the year. They’ll help you handle questions on the phone or even in person, whenever you need them.
*An agent/broker has a state license and specialized Medicare training and testing over regulations and products, updated annually. They are professionals who are there to help you make sense of it all. If you have an agent/broker, ask for several cards and/or ask them to program their phone number into your cell phone.
*A broker is contracted with multiple insurance companies. They service their client across companies and can directly compare companies for the client. If their client decides to change insurance companies or have a drug plan with one company and a supplement with another, for example, they can stay with the same broker.
Last, but not least, protect your interests and information!

*Be wary of unsolicited Medicare phone calls.
*Don’t give sensitive personal information, such as your social security number, over the phone. Social security numbers are not required or allowed for Medicare drug plan or Advantage plan enrollments.
*It is perfectly fine and should be welcomed to have a trusted friend or family member at your appointment with an agent/broker. If you don’t have an agent/broker, ask a friend or family member to refer you to one they know and trust.
*Remember, ethical and regulation compliant agents/brokers will NOT use high pressure or scare tactics.

Happy 100th Birthday!

It’s hard to believe that June Ranney celebrated her 100th birthday on October 21, 2020. Friends and family drove by June’s house with birthday wishes on her special day.

Still Going Strong

photo by Vickie Jenkins

It all began in San Coulee, Montana when a precious baby girl was born on October 21, 1920 and was given her first gift, the name June Rose. At age four, June’s family moved to St. Louis, Missouri and lived there until June’s marriage to Robert Lee Ranney in 1942. A beautiful woman, inside and out, June turned one hundred years old on October 21, 2020. A friendly individual that always has a smile, the love she has for others shines bright!
Staying active keeps June feeling young and staying healthy. She is a member of Central Presbyterian Church where she has been an active member since 1957, serving as trustee and literalist. A charter member of Metro Camera Club since 1977, and still going strong, June was honored with the June Ranney Gallery in the Will Rogers Rose Center, highlighting outstanding Metro Camera Club photographs. June is also a member of SeniorNet Computer Club, which she joined in the mid eighties. Her volunteer work includes: Girl Scout leader, serving at the Red Andrews Christmas Dinner, helping with the archives of the Oklahoma City National Monument where she received an award in her name plus serving as past president of the American Business Women’s Association. (story continues below)

The mother of five children and widowed in 1967, June still lives in the house where she captured heartfelt memories with her family. “I think the one thing that surprises most people is the fact that I have lived in this house since 1957 and I still take care of everything myself,” June said. “That includes house-pick-up on a weekly room by room schedule, washing, ironing and mending when needed,” she added. “Plus, I have plenty of desk work; mail and email to keep me busy in my office,” she said with a smile.
Asking June what she contributes her good health to, she replied, “Proper diet, dwelling on the positives and never the negatives. I have never been one to smoke or drink and I can say that is over a lifetime. My number one hobby is flower gardening which I have been doing since fourth grade. My gardening gets excessive in season but I do it all myself and I love every minute of it. The garden is full of beautiful flowers in the spring.” I could tell she was very proud of her garden when she spoke of it. ”I also enjoy crossword puzzles, and I have done knitting and sewing in the past,” June added. June is a very talented horticulturist as well and an avid railroad enthusiast and collector.
June attended Beaumont High School. “My first job in St. Louis after college was at a community center teaching crafts to youngsters In the summertime. I taught games, crafts and dancing to youngsters in a summer program setup on the school grounds,” June said. “There was always a pageant with acting and dancing at the end of summer. I was so fortunate to be assigned to the school across the street from my home. It was a fun time working with them.”
“Shortly after my marriage, my husband and I moved to Davenport, Iowa. After Beaumont, I attended Harris Teacher’s College and graduated from there in 1942. I never did teach there. However, it was during war times, and I found a well paying job working for the War Department in the inspection office of a tank factory,” June commented.
“I lived here in Oklahoma City and was working for Dr. Jack Hough of the Otological Medical Center where I worked for fourteen years. I assisted the doctor in the examining rooms, did X-rays, counseled with patients about their particular hearing problems and did Electronystagmography, which was an extensive two hour test.”
“For several years I had an in-home candy making business for the Christmas trade only, working several months only to produce June Ranney’s Brown Pecan Fudge. I hired two women working in the mornings only. There were many local orders and they shipped to twenty-three states and Puerto Rico. I once was told that an order had been parachute dropped in Vietnam,” June commented.
June Rose Ranney, born on October 21, 1920, is an outstanding individual of Oklahoma City, OK. Whereas, it is fitting and proper that the Oklahoma House of Representatives, acting on behalf of the citizens of the Great State of Oklahoma, does hereby send best wishes to June Ranney upon the auspicious occasion of her 100th birthday.

