Monday, March 10, 2025

Hearing Loss Association Announces Scholarship winners

Peter Hardt & Haleigh Scott granted $1000 each to assist with college expenses.

by Ron Hendricks

Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter (HLAA COC) is proud to introduce this year’s two scholarship recipients. Haleigh Scott and Peter Hardt. Each was granted $1,000 to assist with this year’s college expenses.
Haleigh is the daughter of Crystal & Derek Wilson. During Haleigh’s public education she never attended any special classes but learned early to sit up front and listen carefully. Haleigh faced what many people with hearing loss learn to deal with; questions, isolation, and feeling somehow different. She is attending University of Central Oklahoma and is pursuing a degree in Crimminal Justice and a minor in Forensics. While at UCO Haleigh is also on the cheerleading squad and is active in campus life. She has overcome those feelings insecurity & embarrassment.
Peter Hardt is on track to graduate the University of Oklahoma after the Fall 2020 semester with a degree in Accounting and a minor in Political Science. While at OU Peter has been appointed to be the Director of the Department of Exterior for Oklahoma Student Government. Peter was the first child to have their hearing loss detected by the infant and new-born hearing screening in the State of Oklahoma. Throughout his life he has spoken to parents, been on panels, a summer camp counselor, and has been held up as an example of what a person with hearing loss can do. Peter is the son of Jan & Michael Hardt of Oklahoma City.
HLAA COC is offering scholarships of $1,500 each for the upcoming school year. Application must be made by April 6, 2020. For more information visit the website, WWW.
The Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Out Chapter is run entirely by volunteer, there are no paid positions. [the HLAA hopes to open the world of communication to people who have a hearing loss by providing information, education, support and advocacy.

Salvation Army Red Shield Kitchen Recognized


The National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) partners with The Salvation Army Red Shield Kitchen to train program participants as cooks and kitchen assistants. During the process, participants learn the state guidelines for properly handling food, how to properly clean and sanitize, as well as train for food handlers license. The training prepares participants to become employable based on their training. It’s a win win!
There is a sign hanging in the dining area of The Salvation Army Red Shield, it reads “I serve out of gratitude and thanksgiving for what God has done for me. I serve not to receive status, awards, attention, or even appreciation from man. I serve with a heart of compassion and love without discrimination. I serve so that I many give away the blessing which I have already received in Christ Jesus. I serve in a way that I may become transparent, allowing Christ to be seen in all that I say, all that I think, and all that I do”. This truly represents the staff at The Red Shield Kitchen. Keri Griffin, Kitchen Manager was overjoyed, she stated “NICOA means the world to me because I have trained and hired 15 people.” Keri indicates she loves the work the participants do and that they put forth their best efforts as well as given a chance they teach her new things along the way. This makes Keri happy to know she had a little something to do with motivating and inspiring others that bring out the best in her. Each participant just needed a chance, a skill, and to believe in themselves to find something that they truly love to do.
The NICOA SCSEP staff and staff participants each gave one word to describe November 16, 2019, the day of giving back and saying thank you. The words were Amazing, Engaging, Gratifying, Rewarding, and Hope! The most memorable moment was witnessing a family reunited in the dining room. The most notable moment everyone appeared to be similar in many aspects. We have the same hopes, dreams, goals, needs and challenges.


Social Security Launches New Campaign to Fight Scammers


The Social Security Administration launched a new Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign to continue warning people about the ongoing nationwide telephone impersonation scheme. The PSAs feature a message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul. Social Security and its Office of the Inspector General (OIG) continue to receive reports about fraudulent phone calls from people falsely claiming to be Social Security employees. The scammers mislead victims into making cash or gift card payments for help with purported identity theft, or to avoid arrest for bogus Social Security number problems.
“I want every American to know that if a suspicious caller states there is a problem with their Social Security number or account, they should hang up and never give the caller money or personal information. People should then go online to to report the scam call to Social Security,” said Commissioner Saul.
People should also be on the lookout for a new version of this scam. Fraudsters are now emailing fake documents in attempts to get people to comply with their demands. Victims have received emails with attached letters and reports that appear to be from Social Security or the OIG. The letters may use official letterhead and government jargon to convince victims they are legitimate; they may also contain misspellings and grammar mistakes.


Ralph Shelton, Ph.D.

Ralph Shelton, Ph.D., of Perkins, lived with the effects of stress incontinence for more than five years following surgery for prostate cancer, until his physician, Ash Bowen, M.D., OU Medicine urologist, suggested the ProAct system.
According to the American Urological Association, between six and 20 percent of men continue to experience the life-disrupting impact of stress urinary incontinence a full year after prostatectomy. Approved by the Federal Drug Administration in 2017, the ProAct system is a device that addresses incontinence and restores quality of life for many men who deal with the challenges of this condition.
Late last year, Shelton was among the first Oklahoma to undergo the procedure to implant the ProAct system. “It’s a complete turnaround from where I was,” he said.
Bowen explained that urinary incontinence is a very distressing condition, an unfortunate but common consequence that occurs in connection with prostate surgeries, including radical prostatectomy or transurethral resection of the prostate. Physical movement or activity, from coughing or sneezing, to more vigorous activities such as running, lifting and other physical exertion, creates stress on the bladder. “When the muscles surrounding the bladder and urethra are damaged, that loss of muscular support causes incontinence, which may range in severity from very minor leaks to extreme – total loss of urinary control.”
The ProAct implantable device consists of two small, adjustable balloons, connected through short tubes to an injection port. Inserted on each side of the urethra during a short outpatient procedure, these fluid-filled balloons keep pressure on the bladder to help prevent urine leakage. The ports make it possible to adjust the pressure as needed to meet a patient’s individual needs.
The leakage Shelton lived with required the use of absorbent pads all the time. “It was embarrassing; there was always a risk when I went anywhere or tried to participate in any activity. Intimacy was awkward and less than confident,” he said.

Bowen said Shelton was a prime candidate for the surgery: he was doing well after prostatectomy, had no underlying health conditions, was physically active, and was ready and willing to find a solution to the incontinence problem he had endured for years.
The device has been widely used in Europe since 2002, and follow-up studies in the United States are promising for long-term (five years or more) benefits.
“The device is safe and effective,” Bowen said. “Potential complications are only what might be expected with any surgical procedure – risk of infection or reaction to anesthesia, for example. Side-effects encountered with the ProAct device are mild and easily managed.”
He cited a number of patient benefits related to the procedure itself. “The procedure typically takes only 30 minutes, is minimally invasive and is performed under general or local anesthesia in an out-patient setting – no hospitalization. There are no sutures or other anchoring devices. Most men experience only minor discomfort, if any.”
Shelton confirms that discomfort was minimal, and that the procedure was simple from the patient’s perspective. “I was back to my routine, daily activities quickly.”
If adjustments are needed, these also can be done non-surgically in an office setting. Shelton recently had one such adjustment with excellent results.
“Immediately after the procedure, I wasn’t sure there was much difference, but healing and recovery came quickly, and leakage began to decrease significantly. After one adjustment to increase the pressure, it works perfectly. It’s as if I never had a problem at all. I feel like I have my life back – I’m 100% normal.”
With a doctorate in adult education, Shelton taught generations of professional educators various techniques and methodologies to promote successful learning. In addition, he expanded his career, using his expertise to assess employer needs to ensure optimal hiring practices, matching a candidate’s skill set to the employer’s desired work objectives. He enjoyed ongoing opportunities to use these skills in retirement, until incontinence began to limit his activities.
Several years into retirement, he has no plans to resume an ambitious schedule of professional engagements, but the ProAct device does mean he can consider options that may not have been possible for him before the procedure. He continues to stay active and engaged in pursuits that use his well-honed skills of analysis. He currently works as a heavy equipment specialist for a local tractor dealership, once again using his expertise to assess needs and find solutions.
“Some may call it ‘odds and ends,’ but it’s still important to me to help people find ways to succeed. I’m something of a career-tech consultant, which offers me opportunities to travel, meet people and help facilitate a teamwork mentality. Now I know I can continue to do that that on my own terms, not limited by inconvenience or anxiety about accidental leakage.”
While a referral by a primary care provider is not considered necessary, it may be required for coverage under some healthcare plans. Bowen sees patients at OU Physicians Edmond, located in the Fountain Lake Center, 14101 N. Eastern, Suite E, and performs the ProAct procedure exclusively at OU Medical Center Edmond, One South Bryant. For an appointment, call (405) 340-1279.

Kirkpatrick Named Director of Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority


Oklahoma native Travis Kirkpatrick is the new director of the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority. Kirkpatrick has served as interim director for the last 90 days. Health Commissioner Gary Cox said he made the decision based on Kirkpatrick’s leadership at the authority over the last few months.
“We are excited about the leadership of Travis and his focus on being an efficient and effective organization that serves the citizens of the state,” said Cox. “During his three months, Kirkpatrick has reopened the call center, which is now handling approximately 300 calls a day, hired a compliance manager to ensure the dispensaries across the state are in compliance with state laws, and worked to open the lines of communication with the business community and the patients.”
Kirkpatrick praised the staff for its passion and dedication saying “that is something that drives me every day as I seek to innovate and lead us toward the goals we have been provided by the Oklahoma State Department of Health leadership and the Governor. My goal is to continue to work with the patients, dispensary owners and growers as this authority meets the guidelines set out by the voters and by the Legislature.”
The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority was created by a vote of the people, July 26, 2018. The state question allowed for both licenses to sell and to purchase medical marijuana with a physician’s prescription. Additional regulatory authority was written into the “unity bill” passed by the legislature just months before Kirkpatrick’s arrival. There are currently more than 246,000 patient, caregiver, grower, processor, dispensary, and transportation licenses for marijuana in Oklahoma, all handled by OMMA.
Travis Kirkpatrick is a Public Administration professional with more than 15 years of service to the State of Oklahoma. He brings a multitude of experience in bureaucratic process gained via his roles in several state agencies. A native Oklahoman, Kirkpatrick holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma and a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from the University of Central Oklahoma. In his spare time, he volunteers on several community non-profit boards and enjoys watching his children play soccer.

Booksale 2020 to Celebrate 40-year Run

From left, Booksale sign chairman Robbin Phillips, 66, displays his handywork with publicity chairperson Beth Toland, 65, at the 2019 event.

Story by Darl DeVault

Seniors still prefer books and make up many of the volunteers and customers at the huge two-day Friends of the Library Booksale 2020 February 22 and 23 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. As thousands of book lovers gather in the Oklahoma Expo Hall the sale proves in the world of digital access, the Age of the Book is still with us.
Subtitled “Booksale—40 Years Strong”, the annual sale provides a diverse selection of books, CDs, DVDs, magazines and more for every demographic of customers.
“It is amazing the wide range of subjects—including fiction, nonfiction, cookbooks, biographies, medical, westerns, romance, children’s, encyclopedias, reference and foreign language, plus a large selection of music, DVDs and audio books,” said Don Dory, 73, Booksale Coordinator. “Thousands of shoppers have been coming for years for our wide selection and low prices. In the General Area, hardback books are one dollar each and paperbacks and magazines are 50 cents each. Collectors go for the Items in the Better Books Room which vary in price, mostly under $5.”
The nonprofit Friends of the Library has used this book sale to raise money to support the Metropolitan Library System. In it’s now 40-year run, the Friends have given more than $4.8 million in grants to the system. All of this is due to the tireless efforts of hundreds of volunteers each year.
Almost five million dollars in 40 years is a big number and so is the 800,000 books available this year. All this means the sale becomes the largest nonprofit bookstore in Oklahoma for three days.
“Customers run the gamut of need—many trying to select best sellers, classics, collectibles and research books needed for school,” Dory said. “Thousands will be seeking to complete personal libraries in certain subjects, while parents will be striving to enhance their children’s reading exposure.”
Friends of the Metropolitan System members can shop a Presale from 1 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. Held the day before the sale goes public, members are invited to first access. Annual memberships are available for $15 in the lobby starting at noon. Children 12 and under accompanied by an adult are free.
After 40 years, the sale is well established on the literary sale calendar for customers coming from all over Oklahoma, surrounding states and the whole region. Selective shoppers are advised to join the nonprofit to ensure the best possible purchasing opportunity.
Book lovers line up all three days awaiting the door’s opening. A quick survey of the parking lot shows that many of those customers are from out of state, coming to Oklahoma each year for the huge selection. The multi-day event attracts more than 10,000 book lovers.
In some ways the diverse selection offered represents a snapshot of a high-quality American publishing museum with the bonus that everything is available for purchase.
“Donated all year from various sources, the books are both common and select, while the other offerings are extremely varied, even including music,” said Beth Toland, 65, publicity chairperson. “This diversity means the sale is in one sense our states largest literary event.”
Admission is free 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 22 and 23.
The shopping is so robust that a dozen checkout points are offered by volunteers in each of the two sections. And yet, so many customers arrive early a line forms for the first few hours each day. The book shopping is intense, almost competitive, as this is a once a year opportunity.
Customers, depending on their need for new reading material, come with a wide variety of book hauling capability, as there are no shopping carts provided. Shoppers will see every form of wheeled cart pressed into service by other shoppers as they move among the tables laden with thousands of books. Large boxes are everywhere as some shoppers limit themselves to just those books they can carry.
The volunteers display 40 years of expertise in staging the sale by sorting the books into sections. Those sections are a wide cross section of interest, from tables of books by Oklahoma authors to books about Oklahoma.
Some years special sections offer brand new books donated when book stores and Oklahoma publishing houses use their donations as a way to balance their inventory.
Many business and industry concerns are well represented when entities going out of business donate their libraries. Retiring attorneys provide shoppers the chance to buy law books at a steep discount.
Volunteer shifts are still open, as the group is still looking for volunteers! To volunteer or for more information about Booksale, visit For additional questions contact the Friends at 405 606-3763 or

Finding the Silver Lining: As a Flight Nurse

Matt George, RN, CEN is the Medi Flight Clinical Base Supervisor at Medi Flight 5. With his positive attitude, no wonder he sees the silver lining to the numerous situations.

by Vickie Jenkins, Staff Writer

You’ve have heard the expression, every cloud has a silver lining, which means that even the worst events or situations have some positive aspect. The expression certainly can be said of the flight nurses that provide emergency medical services to numerous patients every year.
One outstanding gentleman is Matt George, RN, CEN, and the Medi Flight Clinical Base Supervisor at Medi Flight 5. “Medi Flight has been around since 1980. We are based on the helipad on the rooftop of Stillwater Medical Center in Stillwater, OK,” Matt said. “We leave from Stillwater and travel throughout central Oklahoma; largely around the Stillwater area, OKC, Tulsa and sometimes, Kansas. Our work also takes us to emergency situations in rural areas where they might not have the right emergency equipment.”
Matt attended Francis Tuttle for his LPN and Rose State college for his RN. It all began twenty-six years ago. “I always assumed that I would go into the medical field. I spent a lot of my time working in the emergency room, taking care of critically ill patients. My first job as a nurse was working in the medical surgical unit at Logan Medical Center in Guthrie, OK. I continued my education, becoming an RN. I realized I wanted to do more in the medical field and became interested in being a flight nurse,” he commented. “That was ten years ago and I will continue to do what I love to do; helping to save lives,” Matt added.
Matt explained the importance of a flight nurse. “On every flight, there are three of us; the pilot, a flight nurse and a paramedic. We work two twenty-four hour shifts and we always need to be ready to go! A typical day for me involves, making sure the medication count is correct, checking the medical equipment, talking with the pilot over issues of the day, looking over the aircraft and verifying that the helicopter is sound and ready for flight. We also need to pay close attention to the weather conditions; all three of us have our own little tasks to do but we all check the helicopter thoroughly. This is where teamwork is essential.”
What qualities make a good flight nurse? “I think the qualities for a flight nurse are the same for any nurse; they need to really care for others, doing what they like and wanting to continue to learn. Of course, to be a flight nurse, you would need to enjoy flying. Let’s face it, flying isn’t for everyone. Personally, I love it!” Matt replied.
Matt feels like his best quality as a nurse is caring for his patients. “I have always been drawn to the critically ill patients and it makes me feel good knowing that I am helping them. It is also some of the most interesting situations that I have even seen plus I am able to test my skills. Most flight nurses are required to have at least three years of experience in critical care and a high volume of life support service. The training for a flight nurse is constant and ongoing, testing once a year, making sure we are up to par,” he said. “I want to continue to learn and gain knowledge yet stay humble.”
Did you have any mentors in school? “Not so much in school but there were several nurses that I worked with that seemed to shape me into the kind of nurse that I am; helping me get situated and organized. They gave me a desire to learn and better myself,” Matt replied.
As far as Matt’s personal life goes, he is married to his beautiful wife, Shelly, and will soon be celebrating their twenty eighth wedding anniversary. They have two children, Kylee, 24 and Leah, 9 years old. “I am so proud of both of them,” he said with a smile. Their pet is an Alaskan Malamute. “His name is Sam,” he added. Matt’s hobbies include playing the guitar and singing. “I am an amateur guitar player and I sing a little, only at home and with my friends. Now, I did say amateur” he said with a laugh. “I also like going to the lake and boating. I do some home brewing too. With all of that, it keeps me pretty busy.”
If you were going to sum up your life in one word, what would it be? Without a pause, Matt said, “Fortunate.”

OMRF scientists reveal diabetic heart clues

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation scientist Ken Humphries, Ph.D.

The healthy heart thrives on flexibility, using any available nutrient source for fuel. But in diabetes, that flexibility stops.
Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation are investigating why this inflexibility occurs with diabetes and, ultimately, what can be done about it.
“The healthy heart has a dynamic capacity to respond and adapt to changes in nutrient availability—it’s an omnivore,” said OMRF researcher Kenneth Humphries, Ph.D. “The problem with diabetes, though, is the heart’s inability to use or make insulin, a hormone that allows your blood to use sugar.”
In diabetes, either you’re not making enough insulin or it’s not working properly, said Humphries. This increases the heart’s reliance on fats to meet energy demands, which can lead to damaging effects and even death.
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in diabetic patients, and it can result in a specific type of heart disease called diabetic cardiomyopathy.
“So far, there are no effective treatments for this type of heart disease,” said OMRF graduate student Maria Newhardt, who contributed to the research. “We are trying to increase our fundamental understanding of heart metabolism and how it is disrupted in diabetes so better therapeutic treatments can be developed.”
Humphries and his team conducted a study to see if they could increase flexibility in the hearts of diabetic mice by introducing the complications of obesity.
“Obviously, regulating blood sugar would be the ultimate goal, but we’re looking fundamentally at how the heart responds to differences in nutrient availability,” said Humphries. “We decided to try to force the diabetic heart to use more sugar and see if that made the diabetic heart go back to its normal function.”
The team uncovered a previously unknown form of metabolic regulation. They discovered that two cellular switches in the heart that determine what nutrients the heart will use are interrelated, rather than independent, as previously thought.
These switches need to be able to turn on and off, but in diabetes, one is constantly turned on.
Newhardt said this basic finding is a next step in understanding how diabetes impacts heart health and how interventions—future drugs and therapies— might be used to treat the effects of diabetes on the heart.
Other OMRF researchers who contributed to the findings were Albert Batushansky, Ph.D., Satoshi Matsuzaki, Ph.D., and Mike Kinter, Ph.D.
The research was supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and the National Institute of Aging, all parts of the National Institutes of Health, as well as a Graduate Research Fellowship Program grant from the National Science Foundation.

Shotguns Donated to Help Underfunded Law Enforcement Agencies


Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready today donated a Remington 870 Shotgun to the Coweta Police Department Chief Mike Bell at the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID)’s Oklahoma City office.
“It is much appreciated more than you know,” Bell said. “As a small agency, we can’t afford equipment like this. It will greatly enhance our services.”
The Oklahoma Insurance Department’s Anti-Fraud Division collected the shotguns they don’t use anymore and donated them to underfunded law enforcement agencies. Anti-Fraud Chief Investigator Rick Wagnon contacted the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police and the Oklahoma Sheriff’s Association for a list of underfunded agencies that each association could recommend. From that list, Commissioner Mulready drew the winners randomly and contacted each agency to schedule the shotgun handoff.
Wagnon said they carefully selected small, underfunded agencies that could get the most benefit from this donation. He also said the most of these agencies do not have shotguns and are excited to receive them.
“The goal of the firearm donation is to enable underfunded law enforcement agencies to acquire firearms at no cost in support of their mission,” Mulready said. “We are grateful for our law enforcement agencies and their service to our citizens.”
Mulready said that the department will donate a total of 7 shotguns to the following agencies. Sheriff Larry Lane, Sequoyah County SO, Chief Bob Ernst, Perkins PD, Sheriff Marty Grisham, Love County SO, Chief Mike Bell, Coweta PD, Chief John O’mara, Kiefer PD, Sheriff Joe Janz, Kiowa County SO, Sheriff Tim Turner, Haskell County SO.

Savvy Senior: How to Choose a Walk-in Bathtub


Dear Savvy Senior,

Because of my mobility problems, I’m thinking about getting a walk-in bathtub that’s easy to get into and out of but could use some help selecting one. What can you tell me about walk-in tubs, and can you recommend some good companies that make and install them?

Bubble Bath Betty

Dear Betty,
Walk-in tubs are a good option for mobility challenged seniors because they’re much easier to get into and out of than a standard tub, and will help prevent slips, trips and falls too. Here’s what you should know. The Basics
Walk-in bathtubs are uniquely designed tubs that have a watertight, hinged door built into the side of the tub that provides a much lower threshold to step over (usually 2.5 to 7 inches) versus a standard tub that’s around 15 inches.
In addition to the low threshold, most walk-in tubs also have a built-in seat, grab bars, anti-slip floors, anti-scald valves and a handheld showerhead. And many higher-end models offer therapeutic spa-like features that are great for seniors with arthritis and other ailments.
The kind of tub you choose will depend on your needs, preferences and budget, and the size and layout of your bathroom. The cost of a walk-in tub today with professional installation ranges anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000. Here are some other things you’ll need to consider, to help you make a good choice.
Tub size: Walk-in bathtubs vary in size. Most models have high walls between three and four feet high, and are between 28 and 32 inches wide, but will fit into the same 60-inch long space as your standard tub without having to reconfigure the room. There are also bariatric walk-in tubs that have wider door openings and larger seats to accommodate people over 300 pounds.
Wheelchair-accessible: Most walk-in tubs have an inward opening door, but if you use a wheelchair, an outward opening door may be a better option because they’re easier to access.
Tub options: The most basic and least expensive type of walk-in tub you can get is a simple soaker tub. But depending on your preferences, you have many other options like an aerotherapy (air jets) tub, hydrotherapy (whirlpool water jets) tub, aromatherapy tub that mixes fragrant essential oils with the water, or a combination tub that has multiple features. Also, look for tubs that have an in-line heating system to keep your bathwater warm while you soak.
Fast fill and drain: One drawback to using a walk-in bathtub is that the bather must sit in the tub as it fills and drains, which can make for a chilly experience. To help with this, consider a tub that has fast-filling faucets and pump-assisted drainage systems, which significantly speed up the process. But these options may require some plumbing modifications to your bathroom.
Easy cleaning: Keeping the tub clean should be a priority, especially if you get a therapy tub because of the bacteria that can grow in it. So, look for tubs with self-cleaning systems.
Warranty: The best walk-in bathtubs on the market today are made in the USA. Also make sure the company you choose has a lifetime “leak-proof” door seal warranty and lengthy warranties on both the tub and the operating system.
Where to shop: While there are many companies that make, sell and install walk-in bathtubs, some of the best in the industry are American Standard (, Safe Step ( and Kohler ( Most companies offer financing with monthly payment plans.
Unfortunately, original Medicare does not cover walk-in bathtubs nor do Medicare supplemental (Medigap) policies, but some Medicare Advantage plans may help pay. There are also many states that offer Medicaid waivers that will help pay for the purchase and installation of a walk-in tub to those that qualify, and the VA offers some programs that provide financial aid too.
To get started, contact a few companies who will send a local dealer to your home to assess your bathroom and give you product options and estimates for free.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

