Monday, March 10, 2025

Road Rage Running Rampant


AAA reminds drivers to stay cool behind the wheel; avoid engaging with aggressive drivers

Whether it’s gesturing, shouting, threatening-or worse-anger behind the wheel is becoming far too common on America’s roadways. Aggressive behaviors, ranging from speeding to acts of violence, pose a threat not only to other drivers but to passengers and pedestrians as well.
“Road rage is the term we use to describe extreme anger and aggression behind the wheel,” says Rylie Mansuetti, public affairs manager, AAA Oklahoma. “Not only are these displays of hostility unsafe for those on and near the roadway, but a growing number of these incidents are turning deadly.”
Aggressive driving versus road rage
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the term “aggressive driving” first began to emerge in the 1990s to describe a category of unsafe driving behaviors, such as weaving through traffic, running traffic lights, tailgating and driving at excessive speeds.
Road rage occurs when aggressive driving behaviors become extreme or violent. Examples range from angry gesturing and cursing to confronting, sideswiping and brandishing of weapons and other violent actions or threats.
While aggressive driving behaviors are traffic violations, road rage behaviors other than gesturing and shouting are criminal offenses.
Earlier this year, Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund released its latest analysis of road rage shootings in the U.S., finding that such incidents have continued to increase every year since 2018.
In 2022, 554 people were shot during road rage incidents nationwide, resulting in 413 injuries and 141 deaths-twice the numbers from 2018. The incidence of road rage shootings last year equates to one person being wounded or killed in a road rage incident every 16 hours.
The same data revealed there were 3.8 people shot per 1 million residents during road rage incidents last year in Oklahoma, putting it third among five states with the highest rate of people shot in road range incidents. These states-New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin-make up 8% of the U.S. population, but 20% of road rage shooting victims. In 2023 to date, one victim has been killed and another three injured during road rage shootings.
Reasons for road rage
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), some people are more prone to road rage than others. These high-anger drivers are more impulsive, engage in hostile thinking and are more likely to seek revenge over a purported wrong. While these drivers may behave appropriately on a quiet country road, the APA points to research indicating traffic congestion and other environmental factors can more easily set off road rage behaviors.
Data from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression or road rage behind the wheel at least once within the previous 30 days. In a related study, the Foundation found potentially aggressive actions-such as tailgating, erratic lane changing or illegal passing-are a factor in up to 56% of fatal crashes.
While there are undoubtedly numerous reasons behind the growing problem of over-aggression behind the wheel, research from AAA and NHTSA point to a number of likely contributing factors:
Traffic congestion. No matter the cause, on-the-road delays and rising traffic congestion are frustrating for all. But some motorists have extremely low tolerance for delays, leading to tailgating, erratic lane changes and other aggressive behaviors.
Running late. A seemingly endless stream of errands and obligations weigh more heavily on some drivers than others, contributing to a pattern of aggression behind the wheel.
Anonymity. Some drivers feel insulated and detached from the outside world when in their vehicle, giving them a feeling of anonymity. For some, this causes an erosion of inhibitions to antisocial behavior, while the vehicle itself gives them a sense of power.
Changes in acceptable behavior. Just as other “norms” have changed over time-music, fashion, politics-human behaviors behind the wheel continue to evolve. It can become more acceptable to have less regard for law enforcement and fellow citizens as drivers “look out for number one.”
“Drivers should consider whether any of these scenarios apply to their own actions behind the wheel and take measures to resolve them. Learning techniques for stress-relief, better time management and anger control could help keep you and others safe,” Mansuetti says. “Think twice before making a rude gesture or laying on the horn and you’ll dodge a potential road rage incident.”
Avoiding road rage
While it isn’t possible to control another driver’s behavior, there are steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of road rage. AAA has these tips for avoiding aggression on the roadways:
Practice polite driving habits. Follow the rules of the road and be courteous to others. If you inadvertently make an error that affects another driver, give a wave and smile. That simple act will often defuse a potential aggressor.
Slow down and let the aggressor pass. When you pull to the side or change lanes and let an aggressive driver pass, they will typically be glad they’re on their way and not try to engage further.
Keep your cool. Remember, you’re not the police. Even if a driver is doing a poor job, it is not your job to correct them. Give other drivers the benefit of the doubt and don’t take their errors as a personal attack. If you encounter an aggressive driver, do not make eye contact, display anger or engage in any way.
Lay off the horn. Save the horn for an emergency situation or tap it lightly if you need to alert a driver to a changed traffic signal. Do not use it to “call out” the driving behaviors of others.
Don’t drive under distress. Avoid driving if you’re angry, upset or fatigued. Never drive impaired.
Be realistic about your travel time. Consider the amount of traffic you’ll likely encounter and give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination without speeding or driving aggressively.
Call 911 if you’re threatened. Aggressive drivers can be reported to local police, but if an aggressive driver threatens or attacks you, call 911 immediately. Do not make eye contact or engage in any way. Drive to the nearest police station, fire station, convenience store or other public location with witnesses. Never drive home with an aggressor following you.
“Remember, driving isn’t a competition, so there’s no need to ‘one up’ another driver. Your only win should be staying safe,” says Mansuetti. “Keep your focus on your own driving and avoid actions that could make you a target of aggression from others.”
AAA provides automotive, travel, and insurance services to more than 63 million members nationwide and more than 400,000 members in Oklahoma. AAA advocates for the safety and mobility of its members and has been committed to outstanding road service for more than 100 years. AAA is a non-stock, membership corporation working on behalf of motorists, who can map a route, find local gas prices and electric vehicle charging stations, discover discounts, book a hotel, and track their roadside assistance service with the AAA Mobile app ( for iPhone, iPad and Android. For more information on joining or renewing a Membership, visit

New Comprehensive Life-Changing Veterans Outreach

From left, David Francis with the Oklahoma Tax Commission discusses services with veteran mechanic Robert Gibson who attended the event to get a Toxic Exposure Screening.

Story and photos by Darl DeVault, contributing editor

Oklahomans are ensuring their fellow military veterans can register for the new Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act. Hundreds of Veterans Administration employees are ensuring this is possible at well-attended monthly outreach VA Veterans Festival (VET Fest) and PACT Act Resource Fairs around the state.
The most recent event was held by Oklahoma City VA employees on July 22, in west Oklahoma City, where 30 VA employees assisted veterans at the 7725 CONNECT building. The multi-tenant business campus in the old Western Electric Plant at Reno and Council saw 70 veterans lined up at the 9 a.m. opening, and 150 were assisted throughout the day.
The event was designed to provide services for veterans, spouses, caregivers, veteran’s widows, survivors and active-duty personnel. This outreach allows the VA to provide expanded healthcare and benefits to generations of veterans and their survivors.
The Warriors for Freedom Foundation co-hosted the event from their office in the 7725 Connect building. The nonprofit volunteers assisted the Oklahoma City, VA staff in spreading the word that more veterans and their survivors are eligible for benefits and VA health care under the PACT Act.
Signed into law by President Joe Biden in August 2022, the “Honoring our PACT Act of 2022” (in its short title version) initiates the most extensive health care and benefits expansion in VA history. This sweeping federal law comprehensively addresses all the service-connected toxic exposure issues of the last six decades.
The act expands VA care eligibility for veterans who experienced exposure to toxic substances during service in Vietnam, the Gulf War and post-9/11 eras. Some veterans’ surviving family members may also be eligible for specific benefits.
The line kept moving, with 30 people who had arrived around 11:30 a.m. waiting in line at noon. The event ran until 4 p.m.
The veterans were helped to register for PACT Act services and check the status of their PACT Act claims, while some were assisted with getting a My HealtheVet Premium account which allows them to sign in to VA online tools.
“The process was timely, very helpful and friendly,” said Staff Sergeant Sarah Scott, who served at Tarin Kwot, Afghanistan, from 2010-2011. The Noble resident, now on active duty with the Oklahoma National Guard, said that once she was registered, she could go right to the people who provided her with the information she needed.
To be eligible for benefits under the PACT Act, a veteran’s disability must connect to their military service. The VA now automatically assumes that a veteran’s service caused some conditions. These are known as “presumptive conditions.” The PACT Act added more than 20 categories of presumptive conditions from exposure to burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxic substances.
“We are all excited to roll out the PACT Act to OKC veterans because this is one of the largest program expansions in veteran healthcare we have ever seen,” said Carmen Daugherty, OKC VA public affairs officer.
The veterans who attended the PACT Act presumptive claims event asked VA eligibility and service officers questions about their exposure and claim eligibility. They were able to receive toxic exposure screenings from medical staff. Some filed a claim and, in some cases, received a same-day decision from the four VA doctors on hand.
“Being a veteran, I am thrilled to help veterans get their VA health care and benefits fixed,” Daugherty said. “Some of these veterans have waited for 20 plus years to finally get answers to their exposure questions and get claims filed.”
The act also requires the VA to provide toxic exposure screenings to every veteran enrolled in VA care. Many veterans enrolled in VA care for the first time at the event and were helped to secure appointments at the downtown VA Hospital.
Those enrolling in VA care for the first time started the process of having their ID cards mailed out to them.
Some 20 Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) staffers also worked many stations to provide information about benefits and services to veterans and their families. Many other services were provided, including four State of Oklahoma staffers providing information about state veteran services and Oklahoma Tax Commission privileges extended to veterans with 100 percent disability.
An underlying emphasis of PACT Act outreach is to fully inform veteran’s widows of their access to benefits around the state in what has already been 10 VET Fest or PACT Act Resource Fairs, including several cohosted by tribal nations.
“The PACT Act makes it easier for survivors and widows to receive monthly VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC),” Daugherty said. “They qualify if they are a surviving spouse, dependent child, or parent of a veteran who died from a service-connected disability.”
The VA also provides survivors previously denied DIC benefits the opportunity to be re-evaluated to see if they are now eligible under PACT Act provisions. The VA asks widows to come to one of the PACT Act events or the main Oklahoma City VA Health Care System to determine if they qualify.
“Our experts will re-evaluate each case and answer benefits questions for you and your family,” Daugherty said. “Some benefits include burial allowance, education and training, monthly payments, home loans and health care. At these outreach events, we are bringing the experts to investigate each case and figure out exactly what benefits veteran’s widows are entitled to register for as a surviving family member.”
Another benefit explored at these events is that a surviving spouse, dependent child, or dependent parent of a veteran may receive a one-time accrued benefits payment if the veteran was owed unpaid benefits at the time of their death. The VA also informs everyone who qualifies for a Survivors Pension as a surviving spouse or child of a veteran with wartime service.
For more information about this VA benefits outreach campaign, click The PACT Act And Your VA Benefits | Veterans Affairs.

TINSELTOWN TALKS: Gary Puckett‘s powerful voice still delighting fans

The line up for today’s Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. Woody Lingle, Gary Puckett, Jamie Hilboldt, and Mike Candito (L to R) - provided by Gary Puckett

By Nick Thomas

Currently traveling the U.S. on the 2023 “Happy Together Tour” with classic pop acts such as The Turtles, The Cowsills, and Little Anthony, (see, Gary Puckett never tires of performing the songs made famous with his Union Gap bandmates.
The hugely popular 5-man pop-rock group, remembered for their string of late 60s hits including “Woman, Woman,” “Lady Willpower,” and “This Girl is a Woman Now,” now features all new members but retains one of the most distinctive musical sounds of the era with Puckett delivering his characteristic soaring vocals infused with emotion and perfect pitch.
Famous for often performing in Civil War Union Army costumes and named after a town near where Puckett once lived in Washington state, the original Union Gap disbanded in 1971 but Puckett says the current group creates a sound as close as possible to the classic songs.
“The original recordings featured string and horn sections, but there’s just four of us in the group now so our keyboard player is tasked with recreating those sounds,” said Puckett while traveling to New York from his home in Florida. “I think we’ll give fans what they want to hear.”
Turning 80 last year, Puckett says he was around 8 or 9 when his family realized he could carry a tune.
“My folks would get a tape recorder and we would sing songs and record Christmas messages to my grandparents,” he recalled. “Then they would make a little record of it. My voice was way, way ‘up in the sky’ back then, and I remember my mother telling me at one point she just thought all little boys could sing like that!”
Young Gary’s mother wasn’t alone in appreciation of her son’s vocal talents. While later attending college in San Diego, Puckett and the group toured the West Coast playing small clubs and were visited by Columbia Records producer Jerry Fuller.
He came down to see us in San Diego,” Puckett remembered. “He liked my voice and the idea of wearing the outfits and walked up to the stage at midnight and said let’s go make a record.”
That record became their first hit, “Woman, Woman,” one of several Fuller would produce for the band.
“When he first played it to me it was written as a country song,” recalled Puckett. “So he added a 30-piece string, horn, and rhythm section and turned it into the pop record that established me as a singer in the music world.”
The band amassed six gold records in the space of about 3 years during the late 1960s. But musical tastes were changing as the 70s began closing in and for a decade there was little interest in the group’s music.
“Then in the early 1980s, radio stations began proliferating throughout the United States and featuring 60s music once again,” said Puckett. “I started getting calls from disc jockeys who were playing our songs and promoters who wanted us back on the road giving concerts.”
Puckett has continued to tour either solo or with the band ever since, releasing another nine solo albums over the years (see Interacting with audiences remains a joy for the singer who is usually available at concerts to meet with fans to sign items they may bring along.
“I love to get out with the fans, it’s always great to see them smiling and enjoying the music we created way back when,” he says. “They are still appreciative of it all and the fact that they are there just honors me and the music.”
Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn University at Montgomery, in Alabama, and has written features, columns, and interviews for numerous magazines and newspapers. See



What Older Adults Should Know After a Doctor’s Visit


by Flora Qualls, Your Cigna Agent in Oklahoma City –

You know how important regular check-ups are and that consulting your healthcare provider when you have a concern is smart. But what happens after the visit is just as essential to maintaining good health.
Unfortunately, some people don’t follow their provider’s advice. Maybe they don’t take their prescriptions as written or forego recommended preventive screenings and immunizations. This can be costly, both for individuals and the health care system. Case in point: More than 125,000 people die each year because of prescription medication non-adherence, according to the National Council for Patient Information and Education.
Following a doctor’s recommended care plan can be challenging, according to Dr. J.B. Sobel, chief medical officer with Cigna Healthcare’s Medicare business. There are multiple reasons why older patients can have difficulty following their provider’s instructions – including managing multiple medications at different times of day – or trouble accessing or affording care.
Thankfully, there are some processes and resources that can help you faithfully follow your healthcare provider’s advice.
Get organized. More than half of adults 65 and older take four or more prescription drugs. With more medications, it can be difficult to know what to take, when to take it, and in what dosage. A low-cost pill organizer, available at drug stores and retail outlets, can help you stay organized. You may also want to automate your medication by taking it at the same time every day if directions allow that. The key is to find a system that works for you and stick with it.
Communicate with your provider or pharmacist. If your medication doesn’t seem to be working or is causing undesirable side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about adjusting your dosage or switching to an alternative. Likewise, discuss any concerns about screenings or tests with your provider.
Having a good rapport with your doctor helps. Take notes at your appointment or bring a loved one with you to help with questions. And don’t be afraid to ask if there’s anything you don’t understand.
Connect your providers. Make sure your various doctors share information. For example, if you have an unexpected hospital visit, notify your primary care provider so they can review any new medications or diagnoses from the hospital and help you fit them into your current care plan. This can also help protect you from unnecessary or duplicate procedures.
Find alternative access to care. If you have difficulty getting around or live far from where care is rendered, there are programs to help. Your provider may offer virtual visits. You may be able to have prescriptions safely delivered to your home in a 90-day supply, perhaps at a lower cost, and with reminders for refills. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, you may be eligible for rides to your provider or pharmacy at no extra cost. Learn more about Cigna Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage plans at
Seek help with costs. “Extra Help” is a federal program providing prescription drug cost support to those who qualify. Many pharmaceutical manufacturers help customers afford medications. You could also ask your healthcare provider about generic medications, which typically cost less but are equally effective.
Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans pay for many preventive procedures with no extra cost to you.
“If keeping up with your health care feels overwhelming, please don’t get discouraged,” said Dr. Sobel, who oversees a team of clinicians that contact Cigna Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage customers whose prescriptions have lapsed or not been refilled. “Seek help from a doctor, a pharmacy or a loved one. They want to help you. Keep in mind that it’s easier to maintain good health than it is to recapture your health following a preventable crisis.”
The information contained in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen.
For information about Cigna Healthcare email me at or call me at 405-432-6725.

Cigna Healthcare is a health benefits provider that advocates for better health through every stage of life. We guide our customers through the health care system, empowering them with the information and insight they need to make the best choices for improving their health and vitality. Products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group (NYSE:CI), including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Evernorth Health companies or their affiliates and Express Scripts companies or their affiliates. Such products and services include an integrated suite of health services, such as medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, vision, supplemental benefits and others. Learn more at

When traveling this summer, pack up the kids, the dog…and the jerky

Nationally syndicated comedy columnist Greg Schwem.
Snacks, even healthy ones, are essential when packing for a road trip.

by Greg Schwem

The luggage carrier perched atop the SUV in front of me on a Chicago interstate one recent July afternoon reminded me of two facts:
1. Never get behind a vehicle with a luggage carrier if you are trying to read upcoming road signs.
2. Summer vacation season is upon us.
As I peer into cars on our nation’s highways and see everything from bare feet pressed against backseat windows to dogs with facial expressions I interpret to mean, “Is my owner EVER gonna stop for a bathroom break?”, I can’t help but rekindle fond memories of car trips encompassing my youth. I could relate to the feet, but not the dog. We were cat owners, and cats do not accompany their masters on family vacations; nor do they have the desire. When we returned from excursions, no matter the length, our cat always seemed disappointed.
Today my sister and I reminisce about those trips with a combination of nostalgia and horror. How, we wonder, are we still walking Earth’s face when our car was piloted by parents who began each vacation day with cigarettes and had devoured at least one pack each by the time we pulled into a roadside motel with neon signs proclaiming VACANCY and POOL?
Our lone break from the haze, and the harmful chemicals contained therein, came when Dad found a shaded rest stop at the 250-mile marker, also known as “halfway” on Schwem trips, and we commenced a picnic lunch. Often the fare was greasy fast food purchased just before the stop; on day one Mom probably packed sandwiches and threw in other items from the refrigerator that, if left unattended during our trip, would be a fine hue of green when we returned.
Although our vacations included plenty of heart healthy activities — tennis, golf and the occasional hike come to mind — it’s a wonder we had the lung capacity to engage in any of those pursuits once we arrived at our destination. “Healthy vacation” was an oxymoron in my family.
However, in today’s health-conscious world, that phrase is now chock-full of truth, right down to road trip snacks. While cheese balls, M&M’s and oil-soaked potato chips may always have places in minivans, now you can also expect to see healthy alternatives vying for space, including homemade trail mix, yogurt in tubes and beef jerky.
Wait, what? Jerky? A food item that contains a silica gel packet? Absolutely, according to Kristyn Ristaino, managing director of Avalon Communications and PR director of Old Trapper beef jerky since 2019. The company recently celebrated its fourth consecutive year of double digit growth.
“Moms like it because it’s not candy or chips,” said Ristaino, who cites mom bloggers as her source. She added that moms feel confident in the snack not only because of its portability but also due to its clear packaging.
“You can see what you’re actually getting,” she said.
Jerky has also become a favorite snack among dudes, specifically those who leave the kids behind on annual hunting and fishing trips. While men gravitate (naturally) toward the hot and spicy variety, traditional beef jerky remains the company’s biggest seller.
“(Jerky) is keto-friendly,” adds Ristaino.
I chuckled at the idea of my father, in between puffs of Kent cigarettes, vowing to indulge only in ketogenic-friendly foods at rest stops. Although, who knows how many extra miles we may have been able to cover had he been familiar with the term “meal replacement”? Another favorable quality of jerky, Ristaino said.
While rising gas prices have caused travelers to pump the brakes on car trips in 2023, those who do hit the highways will take their hunger pangs with them. Will those cars contain the sweet aroma of teriyaki or peppered beef jerky?
If the alternative is smelling bare feet from Ohio to Texas, I think I know the answer.
(Greg Schwem is a corporate stand-up comedian and author of two books: “Text Me If You’re Breathing: Observations, Frustrations and Life Lessons From a Low-Tech Dad” and the recently released “The Road To Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: A Pile of BS From a Corporate Comedian,” available at Visit Greg on the web at
You’ve enjoyed reading, and laughing at, Greg Schwem’s monthly humor columns in Senior Living News. But did you know Greg is also a nationally touring stand-up comedian? And he loves to make audiences laugh about the joys, and frustrations, of growing older. Watch the clip and, if you’d like Greg to perform at your senior center or senior event, contact him through his website at

VillagesOKC Combating Social Isolation Among Seniors


By Marilyn Olson, Executive Director, VillagesOKC

Marilyn Olson is Executive Director of VillagesOKC.
VillagesOKC members enjoy socializing over burgers during a recent cookout.

The U.S. Surgeon General recently issued an advisory calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation and lack of connection in our country. Dr. Vivek Murthy officially gave the label of “epidemic” to loneliness.
“Our epidemic of loneliness and isolation has been an under-appreciated public health crisis that has harmed individual and societal health,” Murthy said. “Our relationships are a source of healing and well-being hiding in plain sight – one that can help us live healthier, more fulfilled and more productive lives.”
A Surgeon General’s Advisory is a public statement that calls the American people’s attention to an urgent public health issue and provides recommendations for how it should be addressed. Advisories are reserved for significant public health challenges that require the nation’s immediate awareness and action.
We know that loneliness and isolation are especially acute among older adults. VillagesOKC exists to help fill the gap for seniors in the Oklahoma City metro. Regular social connection is as essential as food and water for survival. Lacking social connection has serious health consequences including increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, anxiety and premature death.
In 2021, 49% of Americans reported having three or fewer close friends compared to 27% in 1990. This lack of social connection may be deadly – as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according the Surgeon General’s advisory. The rate of loneliness and isolation is increasing every year and was exacerbated by the pandemic and screen time – television, computer, smart phone.
VillagesOKC is committed to turning the tide by providing a robust calendar of events which offer members opportunities for learning, planning and helping others. Every event is an opportunity for human interaction. It might be a daylong event like the Day of Positive Aging held at Rose State College in May and Southern Nazarene University in June. It might be a cookout at a members house, a lunch gathering at a local restaurant or a tour of a local landmark.
For the past four years, VillagesOKC has provided trusted connections for mature adults through organized friendships. Often people become members after attending a coffee or free educational presentation. Some become members when an adult child purchases a VillagesOKC membership for Mothers Day, Fathers Day or a birthday. Others become members when the pastor or someone in the faith community urges joining. But most often membership happens when a friend reaches out because he simply wants to share the joy of aging with vitality and positivity.
The satisfaction of meeting trusted professionals also give this organization a small town feeling of connection. The television show Cheers had it right; it’s good to go where everyone knows your name.
A 501(c) tax-exempt organization, VillagesOKC is part of a “national village movement.” These villages are intentionally bringing like-minded people together to embrace aging and practice positivity. VillagesOKC membership includes a modest annual membership fee and background check. For more information, go to: or call (405) 990-6637.



Oklahoma – $2 billion Theme Park Announced


The 1,000-acre resort destination is expected to attract more than 4.9 million guests per year to Oklahoma

Recently Oklahoma state and local officials joined American Heartland leadership to announceAmerican Heartland Theme Park and Resort, a more than $2 billion entertainment destination development in northeast Oklahoma, just west of Grand Lake on Route 66. The development will be built in phases starting with a large-scale RVpark with cabins scheduled to open phase one in spring 2025 and a world-class theme park and resort scheduled to open in 2026. The American Heartland Theme Park and Resort will offer a unique visitor experience rivaling the world’s top resort destinations. “We are thrilled to make Oklahoma the home of American Heartland Theme Park and Resort,“ American Heartland CEO Larry Wilhite said. “At the crossroads of the heartland, Oklahoma is an attractive location for a family entertainment destination. The state’s business-friendly approach and innovative partnership efforts have helped make this possible. We look forward to bringing unforgettable generational experiences to Oklahoma. ”American Heartland will be a 1,000-acre development with a 125-acre theme park,which is comparable to the size of Magic Kingdom Theme Park and Disneyland Park. The park will feature an Americana-themed environment with a variety of entertaining rides, live shows, family attractions, waterways as well as restaurant-quality food andbeverage offerings. “Oklahoma is excited to welcome American Heartland Theme Park and Resort,” Oklahoma State Rep. Rusty Cornwell said. “Located on historic Route 66 just west of Grand Lake, the development will attract visitors from around the world to experience and celebrate the rich cultures and hometown values America has to offer. ”The adjacent 320-acre Three Ponies RV Park and Campground, designed by Oklahoma architects ADG Blatt, will be the largest campground in the central U.S. with 750 RV spaces and 300 cabins plus amenities. “There’s no better place to represent the heart of America than northeast Oklahoma,” said Oklahoma State Sen. Micheal Bergstrom. “This $2 billion investment in our state will create more than 4,000 jobs and introduce a new category of entertainment to the region, and its long-term economicimpact will be transformative. Tourism is already one of Oklahoma’s top industries and this project will elevate our state even further. Since tourism is a doorway to economic development, American Heartland Theme Park and Resort will draw new businesses not only to the surrounding area but also throughout the region and state.”The developer is American Heartland whose leadership has deep Oklahoma roots. American Heartland is an affiliate of Mansion Entertainment Group, LLC, Branson’s leading performing arts, animation and studio brand.Led by Executive Producer Steve Hedrick, the design team is made up of the world’s best theme park designers including 20+ former Disney Parks builders and Walt Disney Imagineers. Design firms include THG, FORREC and Cuningham, whose portfolios feature the world’s foremost theme park brands including Six Flags, Disney Parks and Universal Studios.
“We are pleased that American Heartland Theme Park and Resort has taken the first step and chosen Oklahoma to build a world-class entertainment destination,” said Hopper Smith, interim director of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. “We look forward to assisting with this project as it develops.” American Heartland Theme Park and Resort is a family-friendly park promising timeless fun and boundless adventure. The 125-acre theme park will feature a collection of six distinctly American lands to welcome guests on a journey through the best of the American story. Families will find thrilling rides and heartwarming shows as they discover Great Plains, Bayou Bay, BigTimber Falls, Stony Point Harbor, Liberty Village and Electropolis.
“American Heartland will be a place families can come together to create lasting memories, experience joy, laughter, imagination and wonder,” American Heartland Founder and Chief Creative Officer Gene Bicknell said. “There is so much to celebrate about our country: its landscapes, its cultures and most importantly, its people. No matter where you’re from, you’ll feel right at home at American Heartland.”
The development will also include atop-tier 300-room hotel and modern indoor water park.
“American Heartland will be an anchor tourist destination on Route 66 set to attract more than two million out-of-state visitors to Oklahoma each year,” Kristy Adams, senior executive vice president of sales and marketing for Mansion Entertainment Group, American Heartland and Three Ponies, said. “The scale and quality of the development will be unlike anything else in the region, making Vinita, Oklahoma a can’t-miss destination for families around the world.”

For more information, visit

Crossword 08/01/23


