Monday, March 10, 2025

Change for Good – Nurse seeks to change hospice market


by Mike Lee
Staff Writer

Debra Moore, RN, didn’t sleep much the night before.
Her new job as clinical director of Oklahoma Hospice Care is a daunting one and keeps her busy.
But the award-winning nurse wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“I feel like I make a difference,” she said, just a few hours removed from sitting up most of the night with a dying patient and their family.
Moore became Oklahoma Hospice Care clinical director near the end of 2014, accepting a staff of more than 10.
“She’s just an amazing, charismatic leader,” says Jennifer Forrester, RT, community relations director. “People want to follow her and she takes ownership and the magnitude of responsibility for that position.”
Moore was the gem Oklahoma Hospice Care had been looking for.
And Moore is a firm believer that Oklahoma Hospice Care is poised for expansion. Oklahoma Hospice Care has offices in Oklahoma City and Shawnee with a radius stretching 50 miles from each office.
She floats the idea of one day having an inpatient hospital.
She’s never been one that dares to dream.
“Here I get the best of both worlds,” Moore said. “I still get to teach about oncology and I get to take care of patients because I’m not a behind-the-desk clinical director. I feel like the only way you’re going to lead something is if you have your hands on it and know what’s going on.”
Oklahoma Hospice Care is a Christian-principled organization specializing in caring for their patients and the patient’s families wherever they call home through personalized plans of care developed with input from the family physician, the hospice physician, the patient, the patient’s family and the members of the hospice interdisciplinary team.
Community Relations Representative Tori Aldridge sums up the task at hand nicely.
“Families invite us into their lives at their most vulnerable point,” Aldridge said. “We get one opportunity to take a tragic situation and make it bearable, even good. We aren’t there to focus on a person’s death. Instead, we focus on the remainder of their life.”
“We don’t speed up their disease process and we don’t slow it down. We go at their pace and do our best to minimize the surprises. The diagnosis and prognosis have been the most paramount surprises in their lives.”
Moore is a native of Oklahoma City. She obtained her nursing degree from Oklahoma City Community College in 1999. She began her nursing career at Presbyterian Hospital in the Med Surgery/Neurological Center and served as RN charge nurse.
Moore spent the next chapter of her career at Midwest Regional Hospital where during her tenure she worked as an oncology certified RN, manager of the Outpatient Oncology Center and finally director of inpatient and outpatient services.
She received the Nursing Award of Excellence in 2008 and the Spirit of Transformation Award in 2011 from the Oklahoma Hospital Association. She has also been an Ambassador for the United Way and served many years as team captain for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
Moore credits her mother, Anna Rose Wilson, for instilling love and compassion that has led her to be the woman and nurse she is today.
With five children and two grandchildren, Moore stays busy even when she’s not busy at work.
She exudes happiness. It’s hard to ever find her in a down mood. And that’s who she looks for when she hires.
“I was looking for caring, compassion and someone who didn’t mind hard work,” Moore said of the opportunity to hire new staff when she got the job. “I was looking for someone to go into the home when I couldn’t be there.
“As far as a clinical perspective you can have all the commercials and advertising you want but word-of-mouth and letting people see what we do, that tells it all right there,” she said. “We’re different because we all do actually care and that’s why I’m glad we handpick our people. We know the people we have working for us.”
And that’s a comfort for both Moore and her patients.
“I measure success by the patient saying ‘job well done,’” Moore said. “It’s simple. Being in this field and probably any field it just takes common sense. What would you want done for your mom? What would you want done for your grandmother? Whatever you would want done for them that’s what you do for the patient.”
And sometimes that means getting a few hours less sleep than she’s used to, like the night before.
“I asked (the family member) if we could have done anything else. She said ‘Debra, you guys were amazing,’” Moore said. “That’s what keeps us going. I got a couple hours of sleep last night but that’s what keeps me going. That’s what makes me not even care about sleep. I can wait until Friday.”

New Service Aims to Help Oklahomans Find Lost


Starting today, Oklahomans can use a new tool from the Oklahoma Insurance Department to find insurance money they may be owed using the Lost Life Policy Locator Service.
The Lost Life Policy Locator Service will help Oklahomans find a life insurance policy or annuity contract left by a deceased loved one. Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak asked his staff to find a way to help Oklahomans get money they are owed and bridge the gap between insurance companies and Oklahomans who think they may be listed as a beneficiary.
“Many times finding life insurance policies can be difficult and time consuming after a loved one’s death,” said Doak. “But with this new service, consumers can request help from the Oklahoma Insurance Department to simplify the process of locating lost life insurance policies.”
After the necessary information is submitted, OID will contact all state-licensed life insurance companies asking them to search their records for any life insurance policies or annuity contracts insuring the decedent. If a policy is found, that insurance company will contact the beneficiary to complete the claim.
Two legislative proposals on this topic have been introduced this session in an effort to protect consumers’ ability to collect lost policies. Doak is working with legislators to find a solution that best meets the needs of beneficiaries within the confines of the law.
“Commissioner Doak has taken an important step to help Oklahoma citizens claim the life insurance benefits they may be owed,” said Rep. Glen Mulready, author of SB 298. “I applaud this effort and I look forward to partnering with him and his team on this issue going forward.”
“I’m delighted that the citizens of Oklahoma will now have a process to inquire about family policies that may have been forgotten over the years,” said Sen. Gary Stanislawski, Senate author of HB 2066. “I commend Commissioner Doak for developing this innovative solution.”
“I applaud Commissioner Doak for implementing a lost policy finder process as an effort to offer protection to consumers. It coincides perfectly with my legislation that will make the consumer whole by requiring the companies to seek out lost or unpaid policies on a go forward basis,” Sen. Marty Quinn, author of SB 298.

To learn more about this new service, visit the Lost Life Policy Locator Service on our website or contact the Oklahoma Insurance Department at 1-800-522-0071.

Feb. 9, 2015 Issue


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